• Weird Al Yankovic, 2018

    The Bizarre Reason Weird Al Yankovic Loves To Use The Number 27

    In 1993, the editors of the Midnight Star interviewed "Weird Al"'s drummer, Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz, asking about the significance of 27. Said Schwartz: ""There's no significance to those numbers. I asked Al, who evidently hadn't even noticed before. He hesitated, and said, '27 is a funny number.'"
  • Corey Haim

    The Tragic Life Of Corey Haim

    Corey Haim battled addiction and the aftermath of child stardom for the better part of his life, one which was tragically cut short in 2010.
  • Fountain of the Four Rivers

    The Bizarre Way Urine Was Used By The Ancient Romans

    It seems to be human nature to have a fascination with bathroom and bathroom-related activities that began with our ancient ancestors and will probably continue until approximately always. Just take a look back on one of Western Civilization's ancient forefathers, Ancient Rome. It's nothing new.
  • Paul McCartney in a car

    The Truth About The Paul McCartney Car Crash Myth

    It is an idea that has captured the imaginations of cryptic-minded listeners and stoned truth-seekers for more than five decades: Paul McCartney, the principal singer-songwriter alongside John Lennon in the Beatles since their formation, is dead after a gruesome car accident around the end of 1966.
  • Picture of a gala or fundraiser.

    Charity Events That Turned Into Total Disasters

    A charity event puts everyone to work toward a common goal and is usually for something that no one can argue about. Every once in a while a charity event occurs that is a disaster unto itself. Here are some of the biggest, grandest, charity disasters.
  • Karen Carpenter

    The Tragic Death Of Karen Carpenter

    At that point in time, few had any true understanding the mental and physical complexities of anorexia nervosa. And sadly, it took seeing the young, fragile Karen Carpenter wither and waste away before the world's very eyes that made people stand up and take serious notice of the condition.
  • Queen Victoria

    A Look Into The Royal Curse Queen Victoria Carried

    Queen Victoria carried with her a royal curse, one that she passed on to other royals. Unlike that episode of Doctor Who, where Queen Victoria passed on lycanthropy to her heirs, her royal curse is more of a medical nature: She was a carrier for hemophilia.
  • Van Halen

    Mind-Blowing Details Revealed About Unreleased Van Halen Music

    Kehew has the dream job of occasionally being allowed into the Warner Bros. vault where the label keeps its decades of musical recordings. The warehouse, "this Indiana Jones-sized place," is full of recordings of musicians ranging from Jimi Hendrix to Madonna to Green Day and, of course, Van Halen.
  • JFK

    How JFK's Bad Back May Have Contributed To His Death

    In the 2017 report, researchers speculated on whether the brace kept Kennedy sitting upright after he'd been shot in the neck by Lee Harvey Oswald. Had the president not been wearing it, he may have crumpled forward, making it more difficult for Oswald to fire the fatal second shot.
  • William Blake's "Eve Tempted by the Serpent," from 1799-1800

    Where Is The Garden Of Eden Located?

    When trying to locate the physical, actual inspiration for the Garden of Eden, you might assume that we'd be looking for a pretty lush, verdant expanse stuffed full of bountiful fruits. But there have been a lot of climate changes in the Middle East going back to, oh, 10,000 BCE or so.
  • Alcatraz

    Was Alcatraz Really Haunted?

    Many people believe Alcatraz is one of the most haunted places in the United States -- it's featured in several haunted San Francisco tours. The Rock, as it's sometimes called, has seen death and violence in its long history, so it wouldn't be a surprise if restless spirits remained on the island.
  • Roddy Piper wrestling

    The Rowdy Life Of Roddy Piper

    The controversial, witty, brash, and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper was a fan favorite back when the WWE was the WWF in the 1980s and early '90s. The mouthy wrestling superstar and somewhat successful actor had a reputation for creating a scene.
  • Ancient cave painting

    The Truth About The Oldest Living Organisms On Earth

    In a humble petri dish at The Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science in Moscow, two prehistoric creatures began to move and eat. Both are believed to be female. One is thought to be around 32,000 years old, while the other is pushing 42,000 years old.
  • Vanna White smiling in a purple outfit

    The Untold Truth Of Vanna White

    As the cohost of the wholesome family show "Wheel of Fortune," Vanessa White has a good sense of humor about her job. Her life has been quite interesting too.
  • Armor

    Why Medicine Was Deadly During The Crusades

    It was the Middle Ages; things were bound to be terrible compared to now. The sad thing is, even if people lived through the hunger and the wars, a doctor might end up killing them instead. Medicine, especially military medicine during the Crusades, was crude and often very dangerous.
  • Prince

    The Time Metallica Failed With Their Cover Of A Prince Song

    There are covers that are absurdly strange, with fans and critics alike agreeing that they flat-out shouldn't exist. Metallica's tribute to Prince in Minneapolis during the WorldWired Tour belongs in the latter category, as their cover of "When Doves Cry" made headlines for all the wrong reasons.
  • The Vampire II, 1895-1900. Private Collection. Artist : Munch, Edvard (1863-1944).

    The Crazy True Story Of The New England Vampire Panic

    Before Robert Koch discovered the tubercular bacillus in 1882, the lack of understanding of the bacteria and the disease it caused led to some wild theories and attempts to curb the spread of tuberculosis. Surprisingly, this intersected with vampire legends in an especially curious manner.