• Kenny Rogers

    This Is Why Kenny Rogers Didn't Drink Alcohol

    Music history is full of performers who were far too wasted to give the people what they paid to see, but Kenny wasn't one of them. Just like the card player of his most famous song, Rogers knew when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em, and when it came to booze, he decided to just never ante up.
  • Rod Stewart, 1971

    The Strange Urban Legend About Rod Stewart

    Stewart himself didn't address the wild story at all for many years. Maybe he figured his career was doing fine in spite of some people's beliefs about his leisure-time activities. And publicity is publicity, no matter what. Spell the name right, right?
  • Daisy and Violet Hilton

    The Tragic Death Of The Hilton Sisters

    They'd sing, play music, and go through a number of routines to keep the eyes looking their way. This would lead to a couple of stints in Hollywood before their death in the late 1960s. Unfortunately, the Hilton sisters didn't reach fame by living easy lives, and their deaths were equally tragic.
  • Rick Steiner

    What Rick Steiner Has Been Doing Since Leaving Wrestling

    Steiner sells real estate in Georgia. That's right: you can buy land in the Peach State from a world tag team champion. He's still got the goatee, but he kicked the spandex and his iconic headgear, usually opting for the classic dad look of a pastel polo shirt and jeans (every job has its uniform).
  • Charles Manson, 1970

    Did Charles Manson Audition For The Monkees?

    In 2014, actual Monkee Mickey Dolenz was a guest on Gilbert Gottfried's podcast and when the topic came up, he confessed, "I just made a joke. 'Everybody auditioned for the Monkees, Stephen Stills, Paul Williams and Charlie Manson!' And everybody took it as gospel. And now it's an urban myth!"
  • Garden of Eden, serpent, apple

    Is The Garden Of Eden Actually Underwater?

    No one has pinpointed all four locations with certainty, but finding these waters have occupied the time of many scholars. It's not even certain that the Bible divulged the location correctly.
  • An artist's rendition of what an actual ghost looks like

    The Surprising Tools Used To Find Ghosts On Ghost Hunters

    Real ghostbusters -- sorry, "ghost hunters" -- stay within budget and don't filch the petty cash while phantasmagorically engaged. These ghost hunters, on their show Ghost Hunters, use some pretty low-tech tech to measure the movements of the unliving.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Will Harriet Tubman Appear On The $20 Bill?

    Harriet Tubman -- abolitionist, suffragist, and former slave -- is one of the most influential political activists in American history. In recent years, advocates have proposed commemorating her many achievements by putting her face on the $20 bill, which is coming due for a redesign.
  • Vijay Mallya

    The Reason Billionaire Vijay Mallya Lost His Money

    When he decided to branch out into the global luxury aviation business in 2007, he boasted in an interview after multiple tall glasses of scotch on the rocks, "I work hard and I play hard, too. There is nothing wrong with that." He had just bought 50 Airbus planes in Paris, a $7 billion order.
  • System of a Down

    System Of A Down's Protect The Land Lyrics Explained

    In a post about the new music from SOAD's website, the band writes, "These two songs ... speak of a dire and serious war being perpetrated upon our cultural homelands of Artsakh and Armenia." They say that the "corrupt regimes" of Turkey and Azerbaijan are committing "genocidal acts with impunity."
  • Daisy and Violet Hilton

    The Awful Thing The Hilton Sisters' Mother Did

    Conjoined twins Daisy and Violet Hilton were born in Brighton, England in 1908. Their mother was an unmarried barmaid named Kate Skinner; their father was unknown. Skinner soon handed over the twins to Mary Hilton, the woman who owned the pub where Skinner worked and had assisted at their birth.
  • A person taking on oath on a Bible

    These Are The 5 Things Presidents Can't Do

    the presidency may be "the highest office in the land," but he is no autocrat, let alone dictator. After all, that's the kind of ruling class and non-egalitarian system of government that the United States' forefathers wanted to do away with.
  • Harriet Tubman

    The Truth About Harriet Tubman's Connection To Canada

    Tubman lived in Canada from 1851-1861, bringing with her many of the formerly enslaved people she saved, to live a free life. In those times, Canada had already outlawed slavery and provided shelter and work for many escaping the United States.
  • Aqua Dots

    The Dangerous Truth Of Aqua Dots

    Apparently forgetting that children, especially very young children, will put anything and everything they can in their mouths, they came up with Aqua Dots.
  • Jimmy Snuka and Roddy Piper

    The Tragic Details About Jimmy Snuka

    Snuka, whose real name was James Reiher, was born in Fiji, grew up in Hawaii, and also lived in Camden County, New Jersey. After a successful stint as a bodybuilder, he started as a professional wrestler in the 1970s and made his WWE debut in 1982, helping the organization on its skyrocket rise.
  • A Tribe Called Quest

    A Tribe Called Quest: The Reason They Broke Up

    The end of the group would actually occur nearly two decades later, with the tragic death of rapper Phife Dawg, aged just 45, on March 22, 2016. At the time, the Tribe were working on their first album together in 18 years: We Got It from Here ... Thank You 4 Your Service, completed in his absence.