D&D: Why Gary Gygax's Wife Was Convinced He Was Having An Affair
He couldn't find a publisher, and so he founded his own company, Tactical Studies Rules. All of this took quite a bit of time, and made Gygax's wife suspicious.
Read MoreHe couldn't find a publisher, and so he founded his own company, Tactical Studies Rules. All of this took quite a bit of time, and made Gygax's wife suspicious.
Read MoreThe sun may disappear from view at the North Pole starting on September 25, but that doesn't mean that total darkness sets in.
Read MoreIf you close your eyes and imagine, it might be easy to envision what it sounds like: torrents of wind buffeting the craggy peaks of icebergs.
Read MoreThe disappearance of Captain Alfred Loewenstein from his Fokker Tri-motor private airplane while crossing the English Channel is still puzzling.
Read MoreIf you're a millennial, you most likely remember Andre the Giant from his role as Fezzik in the classic 1987 fantasy movie The Princess Bride.
Read MoreSome people think that cats are devils incarnate: clawed and fanged fear-balls that plot to assassinate you in your sleep. And push glassware off the table.
Read MoreWhen there's uncertainty about how historical figures died, people start guessing. Here are theories about what really killed these historical leaders.
Read MoreIf you've ever been told "You look like an angel!", you probably took that as a compliment. But according to the Bible, you probably should have felt insulted.
Read MoreMike Tyson and Donald Trump came from different backgrounds but have a lasting friendship. Their strange relationship may have shaped Trump's presidency.
Read MoreOne of the Library of Congress's more surprising holdings are the final possessions of President Lincoln -- items found in his pockets after he was killed.
Read MoreThe tradition of mummering dates all the way back to Medieval England and Ireland, when Christmas celebrations were a time for drunken revelry.
Read MoreWhile those of us in the 21st century may think of the so-called "war on Christmas" as a relatively new idea, the vehement opposition dates back centuries.
Read MoreBasketball player Giannis Antetokounmpo, who was named Most Valuable Player twice, just signed a record $228 million deal to play for the Milwaukee Bucks.
Read MoreThe North Pole can be a dangerous spot. That danger lies not in its climate or wild animals; the most dangerous thing at the North Pole is the ice.
Read MoreEighty-four-year-old music legend Kris Kristofferson has always been a bit outside the norm. He almost missed a musical career due to his time in the military.
Read MoreBefore Brady, Lincoln had little street cred. He was rustic, literally born in a log cabin, rural -- hardly the politico poster boy of the 1800s.
Read MoreMatthew McConaughey is a versatile actor with a career that has let him experiment with many roles. Despite tragedy and failure, he's remained successful.
Read MoreCurrie had come from a difficult background, and her upbringing appeared to set the stage for the kinds of situations she would either find or put herself in.
Read MoreIn England in the Middle Ages, there was one form of payment that stood out from the others: eels. Tenants used eels to pay their rent to English lords.
Read MoreIt's pretty surprising that Dee Snider of Twisted Sister is the author of a hit Christmas song, of all things -- and Snider himself agrees.
Read MoreBefore his death in 1990, Davis became a showbiz pioneer, a virtuoso entertainer who helped bring the visibility of Black entertainers to new heights.
Read MoreThe Civil War was by far the bloodiest conflict on American soil. It was difficult for all Americans, including teenagers of the time.
Read MoreWashington wasn't always the one on the one. The first $1 bill featured Salmon P. Chase, former Treasury Secretary and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Read MoreKing, then a mere 26 years old, was so frustrated with his early attempts at writing the novel Carrie that he simply tossed it in the garbage.
Read MoreThe U.S. divorce rate reached a record low in 2019, when only around 15 out of every 1,000 marriages ended in divorce. That was the lowest figure since 1970.
Read MoreIn the early 1930s, millions of Americans were out of work, and many were struggling to support their families. Unemployment skyrocketed nationally.
Read MoreIn the Classical era of Ancient Greece, pregnancy and childbirth were seen as a biological imperative for the propagation of the human species.
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