• Benedict Arnold and George Washington - drawing.

    False Things You Believe About Benedict Arnold

    Few individuals have captured public and patriotic ire in the same way as Benedict Arnold. Once a decorated American military officer, Arnold's name is now synonymous with the very idea of treason. So, let's take a look at some of the most common misconceptions about America's greatest traitor.
  • The Beatles with Jimmie Nichol

    The Truth About The Beatles' Temporary Ringo

    The Fab Four would be sadly incomplete without Ringo Starr, and they all knew it. But in 1964, while the guys were getting ready to head out on a world tour that included Denmark, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Australia, they were faced with just such a possibility.
  • Albert Johnson prodigy

    The Tragic Death Of Prodigy

    Johnson had his hardships, including an ailment that had affected him since infancy. Prodigy was diagnosed as an infant with sickle cell anemia, a painful, chronic disorder where red blood cells take on a crescent shape, which slows down and obstructs blood flow.
  • The Jurassic Coast along Dorset, England

    How 19th-Century Paleontologist Mary Anning's Name Ended Up On Mars

    Anning, without formal education or training, was integral to the early days of "natural science." She not only transcended class barriers to eventually catch the attention of prominent individuals such as English geologist Adam Sedgwick, but also gender barriers that deemed her ventures unheard of.
  • Prince Charles and Princess Diana's wedding family photo

    Tragic Details About The House Of Windsor

    Since its official inception in 1917, the House of Windsor has been wrought with tragedy and scandal. From forbidden love affairs, to sex scandals, to a struggle to stay legitimate in an ever-modernizing world, here are the tragic details of the House of Windsor.
  • Michael Anthony on stage in 1982

    This Is Van Halen's Most Underrated Member

    It's time to put to rest the idea that Michael Anthony isn't an amazing bassist. In fact, the man who played on most of Van Halen's biggest hits and most memorable songs is probably Van Halen's most underrated member from any era.
  • Bill Murray Doobie Brothers

    The Time Bill Murray Cheated The Doobie Brothers Out Of Money

    One recent object of Murray's conceit didn't think he should get away with his notoriously bad behavior. According to USA Today, the actor has been using "Listen to the Music" by the Doobie Brothers in commercials for his line of golf clothing without paying for the rights to do so.
  • Mountain peak Everest. Highest mountain in the world. National Park, Nepal.

    Mount Everest Is Higher Than You Thought

    Nepal announced in 2012 that they would perform their own mission to check Everest's height; they were spurred to take action after a destructive 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 2015, after which scientists disagreed whether or not the quake had affected the mountain's size.
  • A photograph of famous American photographer Mathew Brady.

    The Surprising Number Of Presidents Mathew Brady Photographed

    Today, nearly everyone has a smartphone with a camera. You've probably taken hundreds of photos in your lifetime, if not thousands. But, in the 19th century, photography was a difficult art that required patience and expertise. Few early photographers were as successful as Mathew Brady.
  • The Dixie Chicks

    The Reason Country Music Fans Hate The Dixie Chicks

    While performing in London just before the United State was set to invade Iraq, lead singer Natalie Maines said to the audience, "Just so you know, we're on the good side with y'all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the president of the United States is from Texas."
  • Lizzo's acrylic nails

    The Surprising Origin Of Acrylic Nails

    Acrylic nails are very common these days, and celebrities can often be seen sporting some insanely long ones that make you wonder how they go about their day. And there's a pretty unexpected person to thank for the long nails that complete a woman's look.
  • Prince

    The Tragic Death Of Prince's Son

    The '90s also contained one of the most tragic and heartbreaking events of Prince's life, the details of which were only to emerge following his death and the publication of the memoirs of his wife at the time, Mayte García.
  • 'The Flight of the Prisoners,' 1896-1902, in the Jewish Museum in New York City

    The Tragic Story Of The Babylonian Captivity

    One of the most critical events in Jewish history, especially as a defining moment for Jewish culture, is also one of the Bible's lesser known epochs: The Babylonian Exile, from 586–538 BCE. The Babylonian Exile is the reason why Judaism cohered into a canonical religion at all.
  • Keith Richards Tom Waits

    A Look Into Keith Richards' Friendship With Tom Waits

    Fans of Tom Waits will know that his biggest collaborator and creative inspiration is his wife Kathleen. For the longest time, he only wrote songs with her, but he saw something in Keith Richards that made him want to break that trend. "There's nobody in the world like him," Waits told NPR.
  • roman feast

    This Is What It Was Like To Feast In Ancient Rome

    Ancient Rome has became known as the seat of opulence and luxury. It was the place where people gave up on stretchy pants and went right to togas, and those expanding waistlines might have had something to do with their love of feasting. This is what it was like to feast in Ancient Rome.
  • gift card, present, holidays, gift-giving

    The True Origin Of Gift Cards

    When do you think gift card first appeared? 1950? 1970? Actually, these plastic presents entered the gift-giving industry relatively recently -- in 1994, initially from retailer Neiman Marcus as the NM Express card, and later by Blockbuster Video, the onetime king of video, DVD and game rentals.
  • Stephen King book signing

    The Accident That Nearly Cost Stephen King His Life

    Now 73 years old, King is still writing -- he published If It Bleeds and The Institute just last year. While his literary output is indeed impressive, he's as mortal as the rest of us. And back in 1999, King suffered a near-fatal accident that almost deprived the world of his extraordinary mind.
  • royal family, England, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, Prince William

    This Is Where The Royal Family's Christmas Takes Place

    The holidays offer a time to enjoy family, celebrate the beauty of the season, and engage in festive traditions like tree-trimming, drinking eggnog, and singing carols. While the British Royal Family also does such yearly rituals, their Christmastime is also filled with certain obligations.
  • John Belushi (L) and Chevy Chase (R)

    The Reason John Belushi Grew To Hate Chevy Chase

    You'd think a group of talented comedic minds would work well together while they ushered in one of the greatest and longest-lived television shows in history, and it probably looked that way from the viewer's side of the TV screen. Behind the scenes, SNL was a totally different beast.