What Kenney Jones From The Who Is Doing Now
Kenney Jones took over drumming duties for The Who after they lost their legendary drummer, Keith Moon, in 1978. What's he up to these days?
Read MoreKenney Jones took over drumming duties for The Who after they lost their legendary drummer, Keith Moon, in 1978. What's he up to these days?
Read MoreAntiques Roadshow has seen its fair share of oddities over the years. Here are some of the most bizarre items ever brought onto the Antiques Roadshow lot.
Read MoreKristin Smart was a 19-year-old college student at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California, who disappeared on May 25, 1996.
Read MoreStevie Nicks received the inspiration for "Dreams," a No. 1 hit for Fleetwood Mac, during mixdowns for the 1977 album Rumours.
Read MoreNow recognized as a classic of the silent era, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari was received favorably in Germany and around the world but not in the U.S.
Read MoreLike most large scale royal funerals, which are normally planned years before the person dies, every detail was planned in advance for the Queen Mother's.
Read MoreFrom 1976-1977, news media were in a frenzy over Berkowitz's taunting of police and famed journalist Jimmy Breslin: "... I am a monster. I am the Son of Sam."
Read MoreIn October 1925, a Greek soldier chased a dog into Bulgarian territory, igniting a ten-day conflict known as the War of the Stray Dog.
Read MoreQueen Elizabeth has owned dogs almost her whole life, and there have almost always been multiple dogs accompanying her around Buckingham Palace.
Read MoreWhen gang members killed Crystal Theobald, her mother went after them online and ended up helping bring them to justice.
Read MoreBy all accounts, Queen Anne (1665-1714) was a tragic historical figure beset by constant poor health and frustrated circumstances.
Read MoreIn 1948, a body was found in Australia, and to this day, no one's sure who he was or how he died. This is the bizarre true story of the Somerton Man.
Read MoreWhat made "Son of Sam" unique from other serial killers was the fact that he taunted the police, as well as neighbors and the media, with a series of letters
Read MoreThe Yakuza, an infamous and powerful Japanese crime syndicate, takes immense pride in its ceremonies, especially the sakazuki.
Read MoreAnna Delvey knew everyone. She was dressed in all the trendiest clothes, eating at all the trendiest restaurants, and was on the list at all the best clubs.
Read MoreOne of the most notorious 1970s serial killers was David "Son of Sam" Berkowitz, who killed six people and injured seven others before he was arrested in 1977.
Read MoreParody master "Weird Al" Yankovic has not released an album since Mandatory Fun in 2014 because he wants to do something different.
Read MoreThe Queen's Piper travels with her to all of her royal residences, though Royal Central notes he doesn't travel to Sandringham, due to limited lodging space.
Read MoreIt's not clear why or how Little became such a prolific killer, but as is often the case with serial killers, maybe his childhood had something to do with it.
Read MoreDorothea Puente, infamously known as the "Death House Lady," was responsible for the deaths of nine elderly and mentally disabled individuals in her care.
Read MoreCopies of Punch Out!! that include Mike Tyson still exist, as a copy appeared on a season 18 episode of History Channel's Pawn Stars.
Read MoreNicolas II and George V are testaments to the power of royal lineages to greatly shrink genetic probability of producing differently-featured offspring.
Read MoreWhen serial killer Samuel Little was alive, he showed very little mercy for his victims. He took great joy in relating the details to journalist Jillian Lauren.
Read MoreState and ceremonial funerals are both honors that are bestowed on high-ranking public figures. What is the difference between the two types?
Read MoreSam Little might be the most prolific serial killer in United States history, and journalist Jillian Lauren got him to tell his story.
Read MoreAny one of Clara Barton's achievements would guarantee her place in history. The fact she did it all is astonishing. Here's the untold truth of Clara Barton.
Read MoreWhile folks of the '50s had smaller portion sizes to thank for their svelte physiques, it still doesn't mean that some of the stuff they ate wasn't gross.
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