Here's How Amelia Earhart Stayed Awake During Flights
Amelia Earhart was a true pioneer. Her first flight across the Atlantic took almost 15 hours, but she didn't use coffee to stay awake. Here's how she did it.
Read MoreAmelia Earhart was a true pioneer. Her first flight across the Atlantic took almost 15 hours, but she didn't use coffee to stay awake. Here's how she did it.
Read MoreThe Olympic Torch Relay is inspired by the ancient Greek tradition of celebrating a sacred flame. Fire was brought to Earth from the divine home of the gods.
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Read MoreA ring for each continent represented in the Olympics? Sure, makes sense. But wait, why are there only five? And what do these colors mean? Here's the scoop:
Read MoreYou might also think that personal hygiene, like personal relationships, might have to be placed very much on the back burner while confined to outer space.
Read MoreThe Vikings had many ways to make sure they didn't freeze to death during the tough winters, and some of these may be a bit surprising.
Read MoreGymnasts are known to peak young, but the age of the youngest Olympian in the modern era may surprise you.
Read MoreWe remember the Korean War, if at all, as one between the United States and North Korea, but the United Nations played a major role in the war.
Read MoreBut what about the gold medal itself? Is the .63-inch-diameter, .12-inch thick disc colloquially called a "gold medal" actually made of gold? Or gold plated?
Read MoreGreenland sharks certainly have time on their side. For decades, scientists thought this species had a long lifespan, but they couldn't prove it — until now.
Read MoreIn June 2007, Amy Giordano went missing and her infant son with Rosario DiGirolamo was found abandoned with a note in a Delaware parking lot.
Read MoreThe megalodon was the biggest shark known to have roamed the ocean, and scientists have studied fossils and megalodon teeth to learn more about the creature.
Read MoreFor as studied as Jane Austen has been in the years since her early death, one thing no one can seem to agree on, is what killed her at the age of just 41.
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Read MoreLudwig van Beethoven's father, Johann van Beethoven, was a family man who loved teaching music, but perhaps his most powerful love was for alcohol.
Read MoreKorn bassist Reginald Arvizu aka Fieldy announced that he is taking a hiatus from the band and won't be joining them on the upcoming tour.
Read MoreWhat about the fastest fish? The No. 1 title goes to the black marlin, which can reach speeds up to 80 mph. Among sharks, however, the mako takes the title.
Read MoreLas Vegas Raider's defensive end Carl Nassib made history by becoming the first active NFL player to come out as gay. The significance can't be overstated.
Read MoreDespite the fact that their last album release was in 1995, Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band performed on tours, from their inception up until last year.
Read MoreBefore Auto-Tune, musicians had to have raw talent: And Fats Domino was practically brimming with it. So what don't you know about this founder of rock 'n roll?
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