The Weird Truth About The Ancient Unicorn Fly
Amber originates as tree resin in viscous form, which can trap small organisms inside and preserve them for millions of years.
Read MoreAmber originates as tree resin in viscous form, which can trap small organisms inside and preserve them for millions of years.
Read MoreSome things just don't sit right with the religious community, and one recent Adam and Eve theory proved particularly controversial.
Read MoreSome facts about Adolf Hitler are memorable because they don't fit with our image of him as one of history's most reviled monsters and mass murderers.
Read MoreLocated in Hanover in Lower Saxony, Leine Castle is a former palace that was home to an ill-fated love story.
Read MoreHistoric plagues often invoke scenes of medieval carts full of victims, while those still living struggle to understand why this fate was thrust upon them.
Read MoreDogs play a large part in our lives. Not only are they faithful companions as our pets but some canines have been integral to people's professions.
Read MoreIt only takes one look to notice that plain and simple are the guiding principles of how Amish men chose to dress. They shun anything flashy or eye-catching.
Read MoreVince Gill is an award-winning country musician with a reputation for being a nice guy. But he's also had hardships. This is the untold truth of Vince Gill.
Read MoreThe Vatican has at least one ATM, but what you may not know is that the Vatican's are unique to all of the world's other ATMs in one specific way.
Read MoreThe tragic disappearance and death of Gabby Petito and the resulting social media firestorm put Wyoming under a microscope — but the issue is bigger than her.
Read MoreThroughout the centuries, the town and castle were severely damaged during sieges, and the castle was ordered to be demolished by Oliver Cromwell in 1649.
Read MoreHere's why Andre the Giant had issues with Macho Man Randy Savage during their time working together in WWE.
Read MoreWhile the official inspiration behind holidays is generally positive, the true story is sometimes complex. Here is the messed up truth about national holidays.
Read MoreThe man behind Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle believed in supernatural and spiritual forces. Here are the bizarre beliefs of Arthur Conan Doyle explained.
Read MoreAdolf Hitler had a special relationship with his favorite pet, a German shepherd named Blondi
Read MoreDrug-sniffing dogs go through rigorous training and must pass a test to be able to work on the field.
Read MoreFor centuries, people believed tomatoes were sinful and even poisonous, until the Salem tomato trial in New Jersey changed the fruit's reputation.
Read MoreChina plans to build the biggest, longest human-made object ever put into space as they investigate how to build a spaceship that's over half a mile in length.
Read MoreBelieve it or not, the electric chair was first invented as a more humane way to kill than hanging, and so far, more than 4,300 people have died in it.
Read MoreMercury is a fascinating case study, and scientists now believe the planet is not only tectonically active, but also seems to be shrinking.
Read MoreAt the end of his life, Mikhail Kalashnikov ended up regretting having created the AK-47. He feared for his soul due to all the people his gun killed.
Read MoreIn 1920, the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act banned the manufacturing, selling, and transportation of all alcohol in the United States.
Read MoreAlbert Einstein once wrote a letter to President Franklin Roosevelt, which pointed out the dangers of humanity's contemporary scientific developments.
Read MoreIf you were to drive through a part of the country with a significant Amish population, you may very well see an Amish person using a cell phone.
Read MoreOn May 4, 2001, Bonny Lee Bakley was sitting in her car and waiting for her husband, actor Robert Blake ("Baretta"), when she was shot twice and killed.
Read MoreA 45-year-old computer simulation pointed to global civilization collapsing around the middle of the 21st century, often around the year 2040.
Read MoreOh, snap. Get your popcorn ready. Netflix is repackaging its gift to the world from last March — with "Tiger King 2" coming out sometime before year's end.
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