Why You Don't Hear About Jewel Anymore
At the time of her peak popularity, Jewel was unstoppable, but then — and almost just as suddenly — she disappeared from the public eye, or so it seemed.
Read MoreAt the time of her peak popularity, Jewel was unstoppable, but then — and almost just as suddenly — she disappeared from the public eye, or so it seemed.
Read MoreBy the summer of 1974, Cass Elliot's solo career was on the rise. She did a series of concerts at The London Palladium and received standing ovations.
Read MoreFrom the beginning of her term as first lady, Jackie Kennedy prioritized her family and maintaining their privacy - which is what led to a White House school.
Read MoreIn the window of a store called La Popular, in Chihuahua, Mexico, one can find La Pascualita. She has soft features and wide eyes. Oh, and she's a mannequin.
Read MoreOne set of relics that Christendom has been concerned about for millennia is the very cross on which Jesus Christ was nailed and left to die, the "True Cross."
Read MoreWhen Erik Cowie was found dead, facedown in a bedroom in New York on September 3, the cause was unknown but the 53-year-old's death didn't look suspicious.
Read MoreLong before she was the first Black woman to win a Grammy award, Ella Fitzgerald experienced troubles while living in New York City when she was young.
Read MorePlenty of folks appeared in the "Star Trek" universe before becoming household names. Here are some of the celebs who appeared in "Star Trek."
Read MoreHere are the reasons why Randy Stair went on a killing spree at an Eaton Township, Pennsylvania, Weis Markets on June 8, 2017.
Read MoreJehovah's Witnesses live by some rules that outsiders may find unusual. One of those guidelines is about not celebrating anyone's birthday, for several reasons.
Read MoreWhat you got hidden under all that chonk, all that chonk, beardonkadonk? Someone better jump on that hook right quick, because Fat Bear Week is the best.
Read MoreThe Mexican Mafia evolved from an average prison gang into a highly organized crime institution. Here are the rules of the group also known as La eMe.
Read MoreOne of the most mysterious figures of biblical history is that of Mary Magdalene, and now, there's a Mary Magdalene theory that would change everything.
Read MoreThough John D. Rockefeller was publicly and staunchly abolitionist, he found ways of side-stepping his duty to the Union when the Civil War broke out in 1861.
Read MoreAn enemy would have to break through layers of defenses before having a chance at setting foot on U.S. soil. Here's how the U.S. would react to an invasion.
Read MoreHelen Brach went missing in 1977, and the case has never been closed. Here are the fascinating details of the mysterious disappearance of the Candy Lady.
Read MoreCriminologist Robert Ressler interviewed dozens of serial killers and was instrumental in the development of criminal profiling.
Read MoreThe story of Tesla's inventions is as complex as he was. Sometimes, other inventors received credit for inventions and breakthroughs Tesla completed first.
Read MoreMuch like regular people, sometimes those who live lives of celebrity end those lives in ignominious ways, such as in jail after being convicted for a crime.
Read MoreGhost Adventures was the brainchild of Zak Bagans, who is Hollywood handsome, wears only black, and does voice-overs that sound like Rod Sterling at half speed.
Read MoreRetired FBI agent John Douglas conducted a series of interviews with Ed Kemper in the years after his arrest.
Read MoreLed Zeppelin had endured a grueling schedule of non-stop touring and recording. Despite the fame and riches, it was a lifestyle that Bonham began to abhor.
Read MoreCrocodile Hunter Steve Irwin had a different sensibility about deadly animals than most people. For one, he liked them. He even admired them and saw beauty.
Read MoreWe don't really think of Ellis Island as mysterious and haunting. In our history books, its existence has been idealized. For most, it's a symbol of resilience.
Read MoreJacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis was, at one point, arguably the most famous woman in the world. Not to mention the most talked about, and most sought after.
Read MoreMusical icons are nothing short of revered by their legions of fans but everyone who has to clean up the mess they leave may not be quite so fond of them.
Read MoreHow exactly the recording of "Fragile" got lost is unknown, but in the days before digital media, misplacing the masters could have devastating effects.
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