Star Trek Actors Before They Made It Big
"Star Trek's" charasmatic actors have brought the franchise's stories heart, soul, and life. Here are the true stories of some of "Star Trek's" brightest stars.
Read More"Star Trek's" charasmatic actors have brought the franchise's stories heart, soul, and life. Here are the true stories of some of "Star Trek's" brightest stars.
Read MoreVerne Troyer was dealing with alcoholism and depression. He had gone to numerous rehab facilities through the years and almost died in 2002 from his drinking.
Read MoreRobert Downey Jr. was considered a Hollywood bad boy in his own right. But it was for very concerning reasons. The actor suffered from addiction.
Read MoreNo matter how well built the machine, nothing lasts forever. At some point, one of your body's vital parts stops working, putting you out of service forever.
Read MoreIn the final years of his life Elvis struggled with significant health problems, the most severe of which were facilitated by his wealth and an enabling doctor.
Read MoreWhen caught up in the joy of bringing home a new ball of adorable fur, it's easy to forget that it will cost money to keep that animal happy and healthy.
Read MorePresidential disappointments, qualms and self-reproach stretch back to the very beginning of the office, to the first American president, George Washington.
Read MoreCapability, drive, spare time, resources, support, and a whole lot more go into making someone or something "creative."
Read MoreEfforts to reduce spaceflight cost have often been plagued by actually higher costs and substantial failure rates. One idea showed promise: the space gun.
Read MorePrincess Diana was not an entertainer, but she was a celebrity, and during and after her time as a royal, she befriended famous people, like Freddie Mercury.
Read MoreArtists, no matter the medium, will tell you that they often draw from real life experiences when they are creating. That was true of Jim Morrison of The Doors.
Read MoreTaiwan was a Japanese colony until the end of World War II. Once it was released from Japanese control, the island became a focal point of East Asian politics.
Read MoreMost Trekkies also know Dr. McCoy by another name. Throughout the series' run, McCoy is called "Bones" -- a nickname that Captain Kirk first calls him
Read MoreWe have all heard stories of the mythical island of Atlantis. But what about Greece's ancient underwater city? Here's the truth.
Read MoreCarving an impressive skyline across the horizon of Egypt, the pyramids are an iconic representation of the ancient world. But what's under them?
Read MoreBefore becoming the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, Marie Curie was a poor Polish girl who dreamed of someday going to university.
Read MoreLt. Uhura, the communications officer of Starship Enterprise, was portrayed by actress Nichelle Nichols for all of the three seasons the show ran.
Read MoreFew books have had the width and breadth of cultural influence over the past two millennia as the Holy Bible, but there's actually more than one bible.
Read More"Star Trek: The Next Generation" is a landmark series in one of the most legendary and influential franchises in the world, sci-fi or otherwise.
Read MoreOver the years, real-life crimes and tragedies involving well-known rappers have been known to happen. Here's a list of rappers with big criminal records.
Read MorePerhaps most known now for the car that bears his name, Nikola Tesla was an enigmatic figure that is considered to be one of the greatest inventors of all time.
Read MoreHere's how Joe Exotic's life in prison has been like since he was sentenced for allegedly plotting to murder Big Cat Rescue CEO Carole Baskin.
Read More"Star Trek: The Next Generation" kept the iconic sci-fi franchise firmly in the mainstream mind, with over 100 memorable episodes and multiple movies.
Read MoreItaly's first female serial killer had a particularly interesting and grotesque method of disposing of her victims: turning them into soap.
Read MoreFreddie Mercury was often an enigma — even to fans. Here's one fascinating detail though: he was a committed cat-lover and had a lot of furry feline friends.
Read MoreQueen debuted in the early '70s and had risen to global fame by the early '80s, particularly with their hit song "Crazy Little Thing Called Love."
Read MoreWhen a music group reaches that kind of stature, myths and legends spring up around them — some true, and some less than true.
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