How KFC Became Japan's Hallmark Christmas Food
Everybody's got their own holiday traditions, but a nationwide craze in Japan may surprise those of us who take KFC for granted.
Read MoreEverybody's got their own holiday traditions, but a nationwide craze in Japan may surprise those of us who take KFC for granted.
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Read MorePlenty of musicians form emotional attachments to their instruments, but Willie Nelson and Trigger's bond goes all the way back to 1969.
Read MoreIt's been rumored that John F. Kennedy smoked weed in the White House during his presidency with one of his mistresses, but there is no proof (that we know of).
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Read MorePrincess Diana famously struggled to meet the demands of royal life. She even accidentally broke tradition during her first royal Christmas.
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Read MoreThere's a theory floating around that suggests the story of "The Muffin Man" was actually based on a serial killer. Here's what we know about it.
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Read MoreSerial killer Ted Bundy might not have been the intellectual genius his mythology often suggests, but he did attend college. Here's where he went.
Read MoreHow do you determine the scariest movie? The Science of Scare Project used heart rate metrics to determine the scariest movie of 2023. Here's what it is.
Read MoreDecember is home to many holidays. Christmas is the most popular in America, but there's one that has lost prominence over the years: Kwanzaa.
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Read MoreTraffic jams: The bane of any driver's existence. And sometimes, they seemingly come out of nowhere, for no reason. Here's why this happens.
Read MoreThe symbols and meaning folded into the holiday of Kwanzaa are rooted in age-old beliefs that make it a moving, beautiful tribute to African culture.
Read MoreAbout 1,000 copies of the so-called Wicked Bible were ordered to be destroyed in the 17th century. Here's why there are few copies left today.
Read MoreVaping is a common part of societal life these days, and many people have embraced the habit, but there are lots of weird vaping facts you may have overlooked.
Read MoreScience has brought us to many frontiers and led to the creation of some unique devices. One such creation is a living plant that can control a machete.
Read MoreFrom political controversies to a shocking murder, here's a look at some of the biggest scandals to ever rattle the world of country music.
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