The Truth About The Famous Route Napoleon In France
Napoleon Bonaparte made one of the greatest comebacks in military history when he returned to France and became emperor. The Route Napoleon is the path he took.
Read MoreNapoleon Bonaparte made one of the greatest comebacks in military history when he returned to France and became emperor. The Route Napoleon is the path he took.
Read MoreFrying Pan Tower in North Carolina was once considered one of the most dangerous hotels in the world, thanks to its remoteness and exposure to the elements.
Read MoreThe pigment on blueprints is called Prussian blue and was accidentally discovered after a chemical reaction.
Read MoreHumans and other creatures require water -- fresh water -- to survive. Planet Earth has lots of water, but most of it contains significant amounts of salt.
Read MoreDeath was a part of everyday life in Victorian England, with causes now common today deadly for those of the time.
Read MoreAmerican English has numerous phrases used to describe something rare -- "scarce as hen's teeth." "When pigs fly." And, of course, "once in a blue moon."
Read MoreIn 2022, another expedition — this one coming 106 years after Endurance was lost — was successful in locating the famous ship.
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Read MoreA young mother was found stabbed to death, her infant daughter missing from their apartment. This is the true story of Allyson Dalton's kidnapping.
Read MoreLou Ferrigno has lived the vast majority of his life coping with the challenges of hearing loss, until a cochlear implant turned that life around.
Read MoreIf you ever needed proof that big-name touring music acts live lives different from most people, all you really have to do is check their contract riders.
Read MoreThere are several myths surrounding the habits of sharks. One is that they never sleep. New research has answered this question once and for all.
Read MoreNetflix's "Inventing Anna," tells the story of a young con artist who fooled people for years, including her friend Rachel Williams. Here's where she is today.
Read MoreThe days of showing up on time and simply boarding your flight are a distant dot in the nation's rear-view mirror. Does scanning electronics separately help?
Read MoreMost of us take our personal grooming seriously. We want to avoid offending others with unnecessary sights, sounds, or -- maybe worse -- odors, like halitosis.
Read MoreIt's kind of odd, the way hair can be such a focus of fashion and personal statement. For centuries, that has included facial hair -- pro and con.
Read MoreIn the midst of production, del Toro's father, Federico del Toro, was kidnapped off the streets in his hometown of Guadalajara.
Read MoreThe challenge of the interactive toy, Bop-it, has kept kids busy and entertained for decades. Here's what happened to Bop-it over the years.
Read MoreWhen the world loses a singer, actor, or professional athlete, it can be shocking, despite their age. These celebs enjoyed fame and success well into their 70s.
Read MoreFads come and fads go, whether in entertainment or media or fashion -- especially fashion. One of the 1980s' hot accessories was the Swatch Watch.
Read MoreDavid Letterman's marriage to Regina Lasko has been filled with controversy and infidelity, but they remain together. Here's the truth about their marriage.
Read MoreHistory tells us that it's nothing new for athletes to use various substances to gain an edge over their competitors. Modern-day techniques are sophisticated.
Read MoreMusicianship often runs in families, and Van Morrison's is no different. His daughter Shana has followed in his footsteps
Read MoreWhen a producer of "Family Matters" saw an early screening of Reginald VelJohnson in Die Hard, he knew he had found his Carl Winslow.
Read MoreIn 1997 a 5-month-old baby was reported missing from her crib. Police have never solved the case of the mysterious disappearance of baby Sabrina Aisenberg.
Read MoreAh, the siren song of the snacks, calling to us late at night when we're tired and, yes, maybe hungry, maybe not. Snacking might not just be poor discipline.
Read MoreCicadas are enigmatic insects that have a unique life cycle. Some live underground for as long as 17 years, before emerging for between four and seven weeks.
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