The Secrets Of Petra Explained
Petra was a city that defied all odds and became one of the most astounding achievements in history. Here are the secrets of Petra explained.
Read MorePetra was a city that defied all odds and became one of the most astounding achievements in history. Here are the secrets of Petra explained.
Read MoreThe Milky Way galaxy might be sprinkled with planets like Tatooine and, surprisingly, their lack of water might be exactly what helps them to remain habitable.
Read MoreJohn Wayne Gacy worked as a manager for three Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants.
Read MoreResearchers living on Antarctica actually managed to develop their own distinct accent during their time in isolation. Here's why they have their own accent.
Read MoreJohn Lennon, one of the most legendary musicians to live and a member of the Beatles, was known to rub religious groups the wrong way on more than one occasion.
Read MoreOn May 26, 2022, Depeche Mode announced the death of founding band member Andy Fletcher. How much was he worth when he died? The answer may surprise you.
Read MoreMany animals, especially mammals, we sort of instinctively understand -- four limbs, teeth, hair. But then along waddles the porcupine and its amazing quills.
Read MoreMalcom X is one of the U.S.' most well-known and most controversial civil rights leaders. Here's why he once sent a postcard with a picture of a chimpanzee.
Read MoreSpace is a fascinating place filled with many wonders. Our nearest star may host planets that could support life, but getting there is another story altogether.
Read MoreElvis hasn't left the building just yet. Come hear the untold truth of Elvis Presley's career, hobbies, and family.
Read More"The Godfather" gave American pop culture piles of references -- "an offer he can't refuse," for one. And then there's the message delivered by a horse's head.
Read MoreLed Zeppelin are one of the most iconic rock bands in history. But, their album artwork has also reached legendary status, including that of their debut album.
Read MoreSince the 1800s — when the first dinosaur fossil was discovered for what it was — humans have been fascinated by the magnificent, alien wonders of our past.
Read MoreThe "how" of acting varies from performer to performer, but one common technique is to use life experience as an emotional stepping-off point.
Read MoreRay Liotta had a long and active career in Hollywood, appearing on TV as well as films large and small. Like any good actor, he did is homework.
Read MoreAs a rock god from one of the greatest thrash metal bands of all time, James Hetfield both subconsciously and somewhat intentionally developed a rough persona.
Read MoreRay Liotta was best known for the intensity he instilled in his roles as an actor. So is it possible his eerie job in college influenced his performances?
Read MorePart of the fun -- and the danger -- of live TV is just that: What you see is what you get. That can lead to unscripted drama and comedy. Or was it?
Read MoreSwitzerland is traditionally a neutral country when it comes to wartime. But, it takes a strong stance on animal rights, including a law about guinea pigs.
Read MorePerhaps it's happened to just about everybody: An off-hand comment, meant it jest, is taken seriously. And it travels. But that's not the end of it.
Read MoreSports can be dangerous but usually, the benefits outweigh the perils. There is one sport, however, which is so dangerous that this might not be the case.
Read MoreWith so many species, there is an endless supply of things that humans can learn from them — none of which are more pressing than the prospect of regeneration.
Read MoreIt has been suggested that tropical birds may live longer than temperate birds. Here's what scientists have found about whether tropical birds live longer.
Read MoreElephants are some of the most fascinating and endearing creatures on Earth. Often seen with water by their eyes, scientists wonder if these are tears of grief.
Read MoreThe real life history of Queen Charlotte's Ball is even more fascinating than it seems on Bridgerton. Here are the details of this historical event.
Read MoreActor Ray Liotta has died at the age of 67. How much was he worth when he died?
Read MoreThere was a time when Hollywood movie studios were powers unto themselves, willing and able to bend the law and people's lives as they saw fit.
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