What Would Happen If There Were No Stars?
What would life be like on Earth (and in the universe) if the fiery furnaces of the heavens never ignited and space remained a cold dark void for eternity?
Read MoreWhat would life be like on Earth (and in the universe) if the fiery furnaces of the heavens never ignited and space remained a cold dark void for eternity?
Read MoreThe Amazon rainforest is being deforested at a rapidly increasing rate. Here's what would happen if it disappeared.
Read MoreTheir one big hit was certainly catchy, with a name to match. As far as the band itself, Chumbawamba was also memorable, arising as it did from world music.
Read MoreScientology is highly secretive about what happens inside the organization, but whistleblowers and former Scientologists reveal more information every year.
Read MoreThere are all sorts of tales and legends circulating out there, supposedly telling the spooky truth about what happens to a human body once death sets in.
Read MoreUnfortunately, there are dozens of ways to embellish an online dating profile, sometimes to the point at which they become dangerously misleading.
Read MoreWe often consider the sun as essential for life on earth, but Saturn is actually one of the most crucial elements to sustaining our survival on Earth.
Read MoreYou may have noticed that far-off mountain ranges can sometimes appear blue-tinted or even somewhat purplish. Why is this the case? Let's find out.
Read MoreSerial killer Westley Allan Dodd requested the death penalty. Here is the brutally honest reason he wanted to be executed.
Read MoreHistory has often overlooked a critical facet of Nostradamus' upbringing, both in a cultural and mystical sense. Nostradamus, it turns out, was Jewish.
Read MoreDespite every generation making its unique contributions to human culture, the fact is, there's rarely anything new under the sun. Including cannabis use.
Read MoreWe think of our distant, cave-dwelling ancestors as focused on basic survival: eat; don't get eaten. Caves around the world have preserved more: their art.
Read MoreDonald Sterling's son, Scott Sterling, shot a friend in 1999 and was never prosecuted.
Read MoreParticularly in recent history, floral imagery has taken root in several parts of LGBTQ+ history. This is the symbolism behind flowers in LGBTQ+ history.
Read MoreThe stinky liquid that skunks spray can reach predators up to 20 feet away.
Read MoreThough many children learn about the Bible in Sunday school, those teachings aren't everything. These are some things only adults notice when reading the Bible.
Read MoreQueen Victoria once wrote that children often turn out to be a "bitter disappointment" to their parents. What did she really think about motherhood?
Read MoreAny time something is as old as Christianity, there are going to be some hidden secrets or common misconceptions. This is the untold truth of Christianity.
Read MoreJimi Hendrix is one of the most iconic guitarists in all of history. However, part of his pre-fame legacy began with a few other musicians including Ike Turner.
Read MoreBlackcurrants are a fruit common in European pastries and teas, but many people in the U.S. may have never tasted one if they haven't traveled abroad.
Read MoreAntarctica is one of the most inhospitable places on Earth. Nevertheless, 11 babies have been born there, and here's the reason some countries encouraged it.
Read MoreOn June 15, 2013, a then 16-year-old Ethan Couch plowed into a small crowd of people on the side of the road in Burleson, Texas. Here's where he is now.
Read MoreSports are usually filled with skilled, fast-moving athletes. Although extreme sitting may not sound like it ticks these boxes, the reality is very different.
Read MoreWhat would happen if the Earth was suddenly sliced in half? Would it survive? Would its creatures survive? Let's take a look at this unlikely scenario.
Read MoreThanks to one of the many commercials he's done, Shaquille O'Neal was somehow instrumental in getting two long-estranged NBA legends back on the same page.
Read MoreVery few insurance companies would offer a life insurance policy to an astronaut, if they would offer one at all. Here's how astronauts secured life insurance.
Read MoreUranus has a unique name in that it's the only planetary moniker with a toilet humor-based joke attached. Here's the history of how it came by its name.
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