Why Is Father's Day In June?
For many, Father's Day seems as old as time -- or at least as old as Mother's Day. But the real story behind the holiday is a lot more recent than you think.
Read MoreFor many, Father's Day seems as old as time -- or at least as old as Mother's Day. But the real story behind the holiday is a lot more recent than you think.
Read MoreAlmost a decade after Kelsie Schelling vanished without a trace, her ex-boyfriend Donthe Lucas was tried for murder -- even though her body was never found.
Read MoreIt's always heartening when someone overcomes a significant physical challenge to become an outstanding example of accomplishment in their field.
Read MoreOpinions differ widely -- is there such a thing as a perfect crime? Yet even careful miscreants are capable of leaving a trail of clues behind them.
Read MoreFor generations of movie-goers the world over, John Wayne represented a kind of stoic machismo in the face of all manner of danger. Including gunshots.
Read MoreIt's not at all unusual for the First Family to bring pets with them when they move into the White House. Other times, pets arrive later, as gifts.
Read MoreJustice delayed is justice denied, or so the saying goes, perhaps especially true when the case involves the violent death of beloved performing artist.
Read MoreDonthe Lucas was convicted of murdering Kelsie Schelling, who was last seen in 2013.
Read MoreOn July 26, 1983, David Alan Gore and his cousin, Fred Waterfield, were driving toward Wabasso Beach, Florida, when they spotted two teenage girls hitchhiking.
Read MoreNo question -- professional American football is big business at every level. No wonder, then, that people thought they could prosper starting a new league.
Read MoreRocky Flats, Colorado, was a hotbed of nuclear mismanagement that has left a lasting legacy for its residents and former employees. Here's the story.
Read MoreAn Italian garden built in the 16th century is nicknamed the "Park of Monsters" for a very specific reason -- because in a way, you could say it's full of them.
Read MoreHistorical figures -- good, bad, indifferent -- are often the subject of minute examination, every aspect of their lives and backgrounds analyzed.
Read MoreStephen Hawking was a scientific genius who will be missed by many. His theories seem to hold up to this day, including his area theorem of black holes.
Read MoreIt's one of the most popular residences in the United States: Elvis Presley's Graceland, visited by thousands upon thousands of tourists every year.
Read MoreHuman knowledge in all fields of learning continues to advance daily, with understanding expanding apace. Today's science looks at the past and wonders.
Read MoreImages of athletes frequently grace the boxes of Wheaties cereal these days, but the marketing of the product didn't actually start that way.
Read MoreTake a piece of performance art, watch it catch on with the public, and it somehow becomes set in stone, even though the piece in question might have a history.
Read MoreThe Drab Four's music was an outlet for some dark, almost unreal experiences. These are the tragic real-life stories of the genre-bending band Type O Negative
Read MoreIn 1978, after years of experiencing drugs, alcohol, and depression, Scott Newman died at the age of 28. So how did it happen? Here's the story.
Read MoreThe classic Hollywood screen idol Lauren Bacall was known for her smoky voice and legendary love affair with Humphrey Bogart. She was also famous for The Look.
Read MoreCanadian, American, and Mexican soccer fans were thrilled when FIFA chose North America to host the 2026 World Cup. So how are host cities selected?
Read MoreWhen it's a matter of a life lived well within the public eye -- for decades -- it's hard to imagine there's any aspect that's been left undiscovered.
Read MoreMany writers have left their mark on the English language, but few as indelibly as William Shakespeare, who is credited with inventing a plethora of words.
Read MoreCenturies before COVID-19, another contagious illness claimed not just a few million lives but tens of millions of them, particularly in Europe and West Asia.
Read MoreIt happens in all manner of human relationships -- on-again, off-again, together, reconciled, fragmented, never again -- until the next time, anyway.
Read MoreProfessional sports franchises come and go, bought and sold, re-located, but few histories are as short as that of an obscure team in the early 1920s.
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