World War II European Front Timeline Explained
You might wonder why things in Europe went so very wrong so very quickly in the mid-1900s. Here's the World War II European front timeline explained.
Read MoreYou might wonder why things in Europe went so very wrong so very quickly in the mid-1900s. Here's the World War II European front timeline explained.
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Read MoreCatherine de Medici earned a reputation for being spiteful, manipulative, and very deadly. Here are the most gruesome accusations against Catherine de Medici.
Read MoreThe idea of childhood today is far different from what it was like during the time of the Old West, a time in which frontier families were often on the move.
Read MoreSix maids of honour assisted Queen Elizabeth II during her coronation ceremony.
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Read MoreLittle Walter was an iconic blues musician who met an untimely death. This was the unexpected official cause of Little Walter's death.
Read MoreMurder in any form is deeply tragic, with ramifications that echo through the years. Even more tragic is the murder of someone only in their teens.
Read MoreNotorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer was beaten to death by a fellow inmate. Afterward, his parents were left to decide what to do with his remains.
Read MoreQueen Elizabeth II has often been portrayed on the big and small screen, with both good and bad performances.
Read MoreOn the morning of March 12, 2011, a woman named Rachel, who was tasked with opening a Lululemon in Bethesda, Maryland, expected to walk into an empty building.
Read MoreJohn Bonham of Led Zeppelin actually hated one of the band's songs, called "D'Yer Mak'er." Here's the story behind why he hated the reggae-influenced song.
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Read MoreCleanliness is next to godliness, or so the saying goes. It's usually pronounced regarding humans and soap, but wild creatures also clean themselves.
Read MoreWhen Jeffrey Dahmer was beaten to death in prison, he was killed along with another man. Jesse Anderson was the man who was murdered with Jeffrey Dahmer.
Read MoreResearchers are uncovering another very unusual way mountains can form, and this strange, liquid process appears to be responsible for the Andes.
Read MoreBob Dylan is one of the most well-known names in rock music, but this is the lesser-known name he used before his famous moniker.
Read MoreThanks to numerous tales and legends (and some fact), the ocean can be a terrifying place. The truth is, danger has always lurked there in different forms.
Read MoreMick Jagger is known as being the frontman of The Rolling Stones, but he also indirectly helped this NFL Hall of Famer have a successful career.
Read MoreOver the past few decades, DNA has been a major boon to law enforcement when it comes to solving crimes, including some that are decades old.
Read MoreNASA just sent a "box-shaped" spacecraft right into an itty-bitty, 160-meter-long (about 530 feet) asteroid moonlet named Dimorphos. Here's what happened.
Read MoreSomething there is in a human that reacts positively to the very young, even of another species. So why do people toss baby birds off cliffs?
Read MoreThe Clash's song "Rock the Casbah" is one of the band's most famous songs. This is the little-known meaning behind "Rock the Casbah."
Read MoreIn the summer of 2010, Sylvie Cachay, 33, began dating then 24-year-old Nicholas Brooks. Unfortunately, things took a gruesome turn that ended in her death.
Read MoreThe marriage between Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart was, to most of the world, a classic Hollywood romance. But it wasn't what it seemed.
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