Can Plants Really Tell Time?
Humans have any number of ways to measure the passage of life -- increments of time, whether seconds or years. Research indicates it isn't just us, either.
Read MoreHumans have any number of ways to measure the passage of life -- increments of time, whether seconds or years. Research indicates it isn't just us, either.
Read MoreThe most famous and controversial ghost photo ever taken was of the Madonna of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery. This is the terrifying true story behind the legend.
Read MoreThe world's oldest webcam dates back to the early 1990s, and its use probably wasn't what you'd expect. Here's where you can find the oldest webcam.
Read MoreWashington Irving is widely considered one of the fathers of American literature, with "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" among his numerous credits.
Read MoreIn U.S. aviation history, women have been key to its evolution, though it's been a struggle to gain recognition, such as for two women pilots who flew in WWII.
Read MoreIf you're looking to visit the oldest cemetery in the U.S. this spooky season, then you'll want to head east — to a historic seaside town in Massachusetts.
Read MoreSo many people lost so much during the years of the Great Depression -- jobs, homes, security. Even more tragic were the losses of children who disappeared.
Read MoreSomething there is about the human intellect that seems to believe that anything, no matter how good, can be improved by adding something else.
Read MoreIt's not unusual for fishermen to, say, exaggerate their accomplishments and near-misses, which makes one claim, confirmed by a geologist, even more impressive.
Read MoreWhen a young person with their whole life ahead of them dies suddenly, the blow can be unbearable. Here are NBA players who died before turning 40.
Read MoreThere was a real chef behind Chef Boyardee, and a real Hershey making candy. And like the real-life L.L. Bean, there once was an outdoorsman named Eddie Bauer.
Read MoreIn May 1996, Megan's Law went into effect after it was signed by then-President Bill Clinton. Here's the tragic 1994 murder that led to its creation.
Read MoreThis is what Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth said after shooting Abraham Lincoln in the head.
Read MoreInternational diplomacy is tricky business, requiring shrewd insights, an ability to read the opposing parties, and the willingness to consider what's offered.
Read MoreIn the grand scheme of things, amusement parks are a relatively recent phenomenon in human society, including the Tunnel of Love attractions.
Read MoreThe crime scene at the W.T. Zeigler Furniture store in Winter Garden, Florida, on Christmas Eve of 1975, was incredibly complex. Here's the story.
Read MoreThere a time when TV channels were limited, when the internet as a entertainment medium was a distant dream, before the launch of Comedy Central.
Read MoreMany societies throughout history have chosen to honor their dead with burial, often marking the graves as a lasting memorial for the departed.
Read MoreParents often to look for some sort of activity they can share to bond with a child, but in Lionel Dahmer's case, there were unforeseen consequences.
Read MoreAll kinds of images are associated with Halloween -- ghosts and goblins, horror movie characters -- but few resonate like a witch in flight astride a broom.
Read MorePerhaps because they're so frequently active at night, bats seem mysterious, even eerie, whether they're encountered in the countryside or the city.
Read MoreThe largest known star in the Universe dwarfs our Sun, making it look as small as a grain of rice. Here's the story behind the largest known star.
Read MoreIf you ever wondered about what happened to some of the most famous NBA players of the 1990s, here's an update of what they look like today, some 30 years on.
Read MorePop band Blondie rose to fame in the late 1970s. This is the story of the only time they ever cancelled a concert during their 50-year career.
Read MoreEven though it's a business frequently fraught with vicious rivalries, there also exist long-term, loving friendships in the entertainment world.
Read MoreAmong the most infamous political and religious leaders of the 1980s was head of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ruhollah Khomeini.
Read MoreMost of us have at least one or two foods that we politely decline to eat, for whatever reason. Those standards tend to drop when facing actual starvation.
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