The Roman Emperor Whose Wife Refused To Save Him When He Was Buried Alive
You might think that once you become emperor, it would make a lot of your problems disappear, and that's true -- but only up to a point, because family.
Read MoreYou might think that once you become emperor, it would make a lot of your problems disappear, and that's true -- but only up to a point, because family.
Read MoreThe origins of the first Broadway musical is a matter of some debate. There is one production, however, that its widely considered to be the first.
Read MoreJim Creighton is considered baseball's first real superstar, though he died prematurely. This is the biggest myth surrounding Creighton's 1862 death.
Read MoreThere are those creatures revealed to us by the fossil record that might well cause wee humans to gasp in amazement and shudder in terror, from land and sea.
Read MoreFor those nations that practice capital punishment, a condemned prisoner is sometimes allowed a final meal -- sometimes elaborate, sometimes even repetitive.
Read MoreKeeping track of a schedule on a shared calendar is hard enough, but what if whole chunks of history never happened? Don't worry -- entertaining, but not true.
Read MoreOn a personal level, Sir Oswald Mosley was never a pillar of integrity, and he slowly drifted toward fascism. Here's his disturbing transformation.
Read MorePeople who consume chickens, or chicken eggs, have a favorite way to prepare a favorite part of the bird -- but did you ever think about their earlobes?
Read MorePatti LaBelle doesn't just sing — she owns the stage. She's also an author and a phenomenal cook. Here is her journey from childhood to the Godmother of Soul.
Read MoreViolence in dramatic presentations on film and TV doesn't actually involve real weapons, real fisticuffs, real damage -- at least, we hope not. But the sound?
Read MoreFire is one of those things that's genuinely helpful for survival -- warmth in a cold environment, cooking food, signaling -- unless it's out of control.
Read MoreThe idea that a long-beaked bird is the source of human newborns is a quaint story that may or may not still get traction today, but where did it originate?
Read MoreWhen actress Ava Gardner swam naked in Ernest Hemingway's pool, Hemingway asked for the water not to be emptied. Here's the story of their friendship.
Read MoreAlthough scaling mountains might get more media coverage and more readily capture public attention, going deep underground has its own charms -- and dangers.
Read MoreA chemist named Carl Wilhelm Scheele had a bizarre habit of tasting the chemicals he worked with, and the result wasn't always pretty.
Read MoreWhat is the most unusual postage stamp out there? Laypeople and philatelists alike will be interested to know about the rarest stamp in existence.
Read MoreWriter Anne Rice is best known for "Interview with the Vampire." Learn more about the final resting place of the beloved bestselling author.
Read MoreFrom Lance Armstrong's doping scandal to Larry Nassar's sex abuse case, the sports world has had its share of infamous moments. Here are some of the biggest.
Read MoreWhile most athletes play with some sort of injury, there are some performances that are defining, such as these 12, who pushed through their pain to compete.
Read MoreThe Scientific Revolution was one of humanity's most formative eras, but it wasn't all roses. Here's a look at the twisted history of the Scientific Revolution.
Read MoreIt could be argued that the present day's easy access to all manner of information, both positive and not, has created opportunities for copycat crimes.
Read MoreHow did a ticketing system designed to make our lives more convenient become a financial burden? Here is a complete timeline of Ticketmaster's rise to power.
Read MoreLast death row meal requests ended in the state of Texas in 2011.
Read MoreSome legends fascinate in a way that never ends, same as some human dreams never fade. Here's why the paranormal legend of Mel's Hole just won't die.
Read MoreThe Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s is filled with memorable names. But one name you might not have heard of is Georgia Gilmore,
Read MoreThe practice of ice-sculpting has an interesting past. Learn more about the history of the culinary version, as well as outdoor creations in colder climates.
Read MoreWithout a doubt, Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the most famous and beloved soccer players alive today. He also has a Portugal museum dedicated to him.
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