Disturbing Cases Of Cop-On-Cop Crime
Because of the power they wield, when cops go bad the situations get really dark. Here are some disturbing cop-on-cop crimes.
Read MoreBecause of the power they wield, when cops go bad the situations get really dark. Here are some disturbing cop-on-cop crimes.
Read MoreImmigration is an incredibly hot-button issue. In 2018, it hit the headlines in a big way, but mostly not in a new way. Struggles over immigration have been going on for decades. Here's what really happens to immigrants when they reach the U.S. border.
Read MoreThere are few hairstyles as distinctive as the Christian monks' tonsure. When you see someone sporting the shaved head with the ring of hair, you know what they're probably doing the rest of their life. Here's the history behind the monks' iconic haircut.
Read MoreHow did we as a culture get from wearing tunics, robes, gowns, and togas to cargo shorts and mom jeans? How did pants go from being a sign of barbarism to being one of the only requirements to eat at a Waffle House? And why do we call them pants?
Read MoreLove him or hate him, Elon Musk is a titan of the tech industry. Enterprises such as Tesla and SpaceX alone are more than enough to justify people calling him a real-life Iron Man. But how did Elon Musk get where he is today? Here's the tragic, real-life story of Elon Musk.
Read MoreOsama bin Laden had plenty of wives and children, and not all agreed with him. Here's what happened to bin Laden's family.
Read MoreThe Bohemian Club, which meets in Bohemian Grove in California, is an exclusive gathering of mostly rich white men with plenty of power. The members of this not-so-secret cabal run around the California woods annually, mostly drinking and goofing off. Here's what really happens at Bohemian Grove.
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Read MoreThe CDC is where scientists are working to find cures to the world's most deadly viruses, but what does that really look like? Here's what happens at the CDC.
Read MoreSome rich people just have so much time and money on their hands they don't know what to do with it all. The Hellfire Club was made of those sorts of people. Here's what really went on behind the closed doors of the Hellfire Club.
Read MoreSome politicians die, whether honestly or violently, before getting to the endgame. Here are politicians who died while holding office.
Read MoreEnglish rocker Billy Idol had plenty of success, but eventually he just disappeared. Here's what happened to Billy Idol.
Read MoreJust because we imagine the world wide web as a free, open paradise doesn't mean it is. In many countries, certain websites are blocked or censored.
Read MorePixar produces great films, no doubt about it. Pixar has a habit of hitting you with a one-two punch of adorable characters and cute moments, followed by emotional gut wreckers that'll leave you sobbing on the floor. But those are the obvious ones. Here are details in Pixar movies most people miss.
Read MoreHumans have been collecting beautiful things since the dawn of time, which means other humans have been stealing those beautiful things almost as long.
Read MoreFor decades the NFL has strived for parity, all the teams relatively level and enjoying their own time in the spotlight. But there are still dominant teams.
Read MoreLasik surgery is great, right? Well ... we've got some bad news. Lasik isn't everything it's cracked up to be. Here's the truth about Lasik.
Read MoreProfessional wrestling is a job that takes a massive toll on your body, and many have died far too young. Here are pro wrestlers you may not know passed away.
Read MoreFrom vampires to a dude who wears a boot on his head, here are some of the weirdest presidential campaigns ever run.
Read MoreChristmas music is pretty much impossible to ignore. There are all kinds of Christmas songs out there, and plenty of Christmas songs are terrible. But there are lots of great Christmas songs you've probably never heard of.
Read MoreEverybody was a Michael Jordan fan in the '80s and '90s. But he could be pretty unbearable to play with. Here are players who couldn't stand Michael Jordan.
Read MoreThe president of the United States is the leader of the free world, right? POTUS is one of the most important jobs in the world, and it comes with a lot of responsibility ... and powers or weird rules. Here are some disturbing secrets the government doesn't want you to know about the presidency.
Read MoreThe redemptive story of Ebenezer Scrooge learning to not be a grinch is a classic. But where did the character come from?
Read MoreThe NBA has gotten really tame. If you're wishing for a rougher basketball game, look back to the Detroit Pistons Bad Boys. Here's where the Bad Boys are today.
Read MoreSports fans love a good debate, but some of the greatest teams of all time kill the debate before it's started. These are the greatest sports teams of all time.
Read MoreHoliday characters are great. They're probably half the reason we enjoy the holidays at all. But while most holiday characters are for the enjoyment of children, not everything they do is child-friendly. Here are things only adults notice about holiday characters.
Read MoreThere's more to the story of America's first presidential assassination than you learned in school.
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