• What Are The Rarest Sneakers In The World?

    From Nelly lyrics, to Jordan ads, people have long been bombarded with messages telling them that their identity is tied up in sneakers -- the rarer the better. In fact, people literally kill for hard-to-afford (and thus hard-to-get) sneakers. So what are the rarest sneakers in the world?

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • Do Dead Bodies Really Stay On Mt. Everest?

    Do dead bodies really stay on Mount Everest? Yes. Well, sort of. Mount Everest is a difficult case, as far as ecological responsibility is concerned, because Mount Everest is a murderous sociopath. People die on Mount Everest just about every year. And it's almost impossible to recover their bodies.

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • The Real Reason 666 Is The Devil's Number

    Different cultures have different no-no numbers. These no-no numbers get treated like no. 2 due to negative associations in their respective cultures. The worst number in the West among Christians is 666, Lucifer's favorite evil digits. But why? Here's the real reason 666 is the Devil's number.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • Why Michael Jordan Really Went To The Wizards

    Ladies and gentlemen ... Michael Jordan! Considered by many to be the greatest baller to have ever played, Michael Jordan's legendary status even extended into fictional galaxies. Michael Jordan was so good that he retired twice during his peak playing years, ending up with the Washington Wizards.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of The Miz

    There's no one who embodies idea of a fan who became a superstar as much as Mike Mizanin, better known to WWE devotees as the Miz. We've watched every single step of his journey for 20 years. From reality TV star to working the main event of WrestleMania, here's the untold truth of the Miz.

    By Chris Sims Read More
  • This Is How Much It Costs To Rent Richard Branson's Island

    This is how much it costs to rent Richard Branson's island: $77,500 per night on a luxury island in the Caribbean. Yes, for just over one and a half times the average annual salary of one American human, you too can spend a single night on billionaire Richard Branson's secluded Necker Island.

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • How Much Money Does Jeff Bezos Make Per Hour?

    Jeff Bezos. You may know him as the real-life embodiment of Lex Luthor, that rich bald guy, or that bald rich guy. What you may not know is that the Amazon founder is the richest man in the world by a considerable margin. But just how much money does Jeff Bezos make per hour?

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • Here's How Much Neil Armstrong Was Paid To Land On The Moon

    The first moon landing was arguably one of the most dangerous things anyone ever did. To take that kind of risk it seems like you'd want to be earning some pretty serious danger money. So what did the first man who landed on the moon make? Here's how much Neil Armstrong was paid to land on the Moon.

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • How Much It Really Costs To Be A Scientologist

    The cost of becoming a Scientologist is high. It's not your soul the religion is after but the almighty dollar. Every level of Scientology is designed to wring a few bucks out of you, as if it were an MLM. Every level, things get more expensive. Here's how much it really costs to be a Scientologist.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • The Truth About Sneezing With Your Eyes Open

    If asked to name the most remarkable yet weird and disgusting body part, we would have to pick our nose. And on the grosser end of the spectrum, if you sneeze with your eyes open your peepers will pop out of your head. Or will they? Here's the truth about sneezing with your eyes open.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • What Are Water Bears, And Where Do They Live?

    The term "water bear" is a nickname for the tardigrade, an adorable species of nearly invisible little engines that could. Tardigrades are microscopic eight legged animals with incredible powers of adaptability. So where can you find these majestic creatures?

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • How Many Female Billionaires Are There?

    The 2019 Forbes list of the world's richest people counts 2,153 billionaires, which is 55 less than the year prior. But while the wealth of the super-rich has trended downward, wealthy women are on the rise, making history in the process. There were more female billionaires in 2019 than ever before.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • The Highest G-Force A Human Can Stand

    G-forces, or gravity forces, increase your perceived weight when you accelerate. In fact, subjecting your body to extreme G-forces will not only make you feel both fast and fat; it can knock you unconscious. What's the highest G-force that a human can take before the Sandman comes knocking?

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • Here's What Color The Sun Actually Is

    Consider the following question: what color is the sun? The obvious answer would be to say "That's easy, it's..." before staring into the sky, screaming in pain, and accidentally blinding yourself permanently without ever coming up with an answer. Don't do that. Let us tell you the right answer.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Real Reason Russia Sold Alaska To The United States

    In the mid-1800s, the United States set its sights on Alaska, now a state rich in oil, fish, minerals, natural wonders, and snow. But not everyone thought it was such a great idea The US went ahead and made the purchase anyway. So what is the real reason Russia sold Alaska to the United States?

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • The Real Meaning Of Old Town Road

    What appeared on the surface to be a trite number ended up rewriting pop music and cultural history, setting myriad records. Old Town Road by Lil Nas X lasted 19 weeks in Billboard's number 1 spot before being dethroned. Yet the apparent simplicity of its lyrics belies a deeper meaning.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More