• The Untold Truth Of Roger Federer

    Roger Federer is an athlete who's destined to feature in "greatest of all time" discussions for years to come. This is the untold truth of Roger Federer.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Beck

    Beck has been responsible for some of the most inventive and boundary-pushing music of the last 25 years. There's just nothing Beck can't do, it would seem.

    By Brian Boone Read More
  • Bizarre Things That Happened On The Set Of Tim Burton Movies

    Tim Burton isn't immune to weird Hollywood drama. You don't make incredible movies like Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, and Mars Attacks! without a few weird things happening. Here are some bizarre things that happened on the set of Tim Burton movies

    By Brit McGinnis Read More
  • Weed Bars A Big Hit At Office Christmas Parties

    In what's being hailed as a moment of triumph for those of us who were going to show up stoned anyway and a virtual guarantee that nobody will have to take home any leftover bean dip, workplaces around the U.S. are hiring marijuana dispensaries to cater their holiday parties.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of The Woman Who Took America To The Moon

    One of the most important minds behind the first moon landing was a young woman named Margaret Hamilton. The world's first software engineer, Hamilton worked night and day to make Apollo 11 a success, changing the course of history.This is the untold truth of the woman who took America to the moon.

    By Nicholas Conley Read More
  • Man Treated After Discovering Family Of Cockroaches Living In Ear

    Good news for people who love screaming in terror until they're dead: a gentleman in China was reportedly treated last month after it was discovered that the persistent earache he'd been experiencing was caused by the roughly one dozen cockroaches that were living inside his head.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Most Horrifying Things That Happened At Funerals

    Funerals are somber affairs, with lots of crying and hugging. So imagine how bad it would be if everything went horribly wrong. Though it is rare, mistakes, accidents, and disruptions can make a funeral go from bad to catastrophic. Here are the most horrifying things that happened at funerals.

    By Asher Cantrell Read More
  • If You Got A Mysterious Text This Week, Here's Why

    The Twitter-verse is ablaze with reports of ghost texts being sent in the middle of the night, ranging from mildly strange statements about diabetes to the downright disturbing — "Help me." Out of context, these are seriously freaky things to receive at 4 a.m., so just what the Hades is going on?

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

    Fred Rogers was the beloved host of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood on public television from the mid-1960s until 2001. A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood features the almost-as-beloved Tom Hanks donning that iconic red cardigan. This is the untold truth of A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.

    By Brian Boone Read More
  • The Real Reason Doomsday Preppers Stockpile So Much Dog Gear

    As noted in pop culture since time immemorial, dogs are a necessity when one is roaming the glassy wastes of the post apocalyptic deserts. Will Smith had one. Max Rockatansky had one. A Boy and His Dog seems to be a tale as old as time. Here's why doomsday preppers stockpile so much dog gear.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Most Dangerous Monkey In The World

    The World Health Organization found that monkey bites are the second most common animal bite injuries to affect travelers. But not every monkey you see will do the same amount of damage. What's the most dangerous monkey?

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of The Interstellar Object Known As 'Oumuamua

    In 2017, a cigar-shaped object named 'Oumuamua drifted in from another solar system. Certain people still think it was a flying saucer, others are planning missions to land on it, and the "object" itself is just drifting further away. Here's the untold truth of the interstellar object 'Oumuamua.

    By Nicholas Conley Read More
  • Australia Bests Iceland With 25 Year-Old McDonald's Burger

    The dubious honor of the world's oldest McDonald's burger goes to Australia, where a McDonald's Quarter Pounder is reportedly about to celebrate its silver jubilee. The 25-year-old burger is a leftover from 1995, when two men from Adelaide saved it for a friend.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • Wizard Rock, A Famed 1-Ton Boulder, Has Disappeared In Plain Sight

    If you think lifting a dresser upstairs is hard work, here's a riddle for you: how do you go about stealing a 1-ton chunk of solid rock without breaking your spine? Wait, that's not hard enough. What if the rock sits on the side of a highway, and is a popular roadside attraction named Wizard Rock?

    By Nicholas Conley Read More
  • The Most Dangerous Dog Breed In The World

    Dogs are easy to love, but also pretty remarkably easy to be terrified of. Where some see Lassie, others see Cujo. Where some see a dog that learns to play basketball, others see a beast on a warpath. Those folks may find comfort in knowing which dog breed, statistically speaking, is most dangerous.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Reason Mexican Avocado Farmers Have Assault Rifles

    It's like something out of a middling SNL sketch from 2017: armed guards guarding bumper avocado crops, protecting their harvest with deadly force when necessary. It's a strange, semi-dystopian truth: avocado farmers in Mexico have taken to guarding their fields with full-on military grade weaponry.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • Auto Trophy: California Legalizes Roadkill Eating

    California's new Wildlife Traffic Safety Act will establish three yet-undetermined pilot regions where drivers can "salvage" meat from any animal accidentally killed by a vehicle. This "roadkill bill" will allow thousands of pounds of deer, elk, pronghorn antelope and wild pig meat to be put to use.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • The Trick To Getting Out Of A Corn Maze

    Corn maze is a funny phrase, because it's a maze made out of maize. But if your sense of direction is less than that of carrier pigeon, the experience might end up being less than amazing. Here are a few kernels of wisdom to help find your way out of a corn maze.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • The Most Dangerous Cat Breed To Own

    Which cat breeds are most dangerous to own Obviously, deadly exotic pets like lions and tigers take first prize for the most dangerous cat breeds. According to Big Cat Rescue, a four-year study found that captive tigers are 500 times deadlier than dogs.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More