Technology That Probably Won't Exist In 20 Years
But many of these technologies will be obsolete not in just a couple short decades. Here are technologies that probably won't exist in 20 years.
Read MoreYou're lost. Like the missing section of the Nixon tapes, this page has vanished from history, but maybe you were looking for one of these:
But many of these technologies will be obsolete not in just a couple short decades. Here are technologies that probably won't exist in 20 years.
Read MoreWhile some of the crazy sci-fi technology in the movies might look wondrously convenient, using such technology in real life can have devastating consequences.
Read MoreFingerprints as identification goes back to ancient times, and as the technology has evolved, so has the level of information.
Read MoreChanges to GPS could have significant effects on our safety in the years to come. Let's take a look at the history of GPS, how it works, and how might change.
Read MoreIt's a pretty straightforward idea we've seen in countless media: some kind of floating device levitates an object and doesn't depend on rocket propulsion.
Read MoreNo matter how they manage it, there can only be one person in the world who is the first consumer to get their hands on a new kind of technology.
Read MoreWe've gathered a few of the best inventions for the motivationally challenged.
Read MoreA new technology seems to prove that nature has its own language indecipherable by humans, and that many plants and animals can speak to each other.
Read MoreConsumers need knowledge about each new gadget that comes out. New information, however, is unfortunately often overwhelmed by disinformation.
Read MoreNASA doesn't just design space suits and space shuttles to get men on the moon and into space. There are other technologies NASA has developed or perfected.
Read More"Big Brother" used to be a dystopian technological nightmare, but these days, it's just a Wednesday.
Read MoreWhile the atomic bomb is the most notable advancement to come out of World War II, there are a number of technologies that got their start during the war years.
Read MoreNyarri Nyarri Morgan first became aware that he shared the country with settler society when he witnessed the testing of an atomic bomb during the 1950s.
Read MoreNASA's Artemis mission aims to send humanity back to the moon, as well as visit Mars — these cosmic exploration plans will take years and billions to realize.
Read More"Bug" is one of those English words that gets tossed around in all sorts of contexts -- a pest is "bugging" you, a wee airborne creature is a bug.
Read MoreWhat's even more rare is when a celebrity has no intention of advancing technology but plays a major role anyway. That's what happened with J. Lo and Google.
Read MoreJust as space provides an enormous opportunity for exploration and discovery, so, too, do our oceans. The key to both? Technology to meet the challenges.
Read MoreThere are people who love them, almost to the point of obsession. Others can take them or leave them alone. Either way, we all know jigsaw puzzles.
Read MoreWe've all heard the advice to "work smarter, not harder." (Though sometimes it's hard to work smart.) Science is doing just that: easing physical tasks.
Read MoreHeadgear of various kinds provides various functions -- a helmet in athletics, a uniform identification for positions of authority. Or, maybe, foil hats, too.
Read MoreRather than developing increasingly efficient rockets, the solution to this price problem may be a completely different approach: a "space elevator." If an elevator to space sounds like a wacky sci-fi concept, that's because it is -- but that doesn't mean it couldn't be made into a reality.
Read MoreWhat if you could drive all the way to space? Of course, the very concept is impossible on multiple levels: roads don't go straight up, for example.
Read MoreCyberpunk is a sub-genre of science fiction, exploring a counter-cultural and anti-authoritarian worldview of a technologically-advanced and dehumanized future.
Read MoreStories about the end of public payphones, when they are published, tend to sound like coverage of their phasing out in New York, which talk about their obsolescence. While payphones certainly are an outdated technology, however, they also have a sordid history.
Read MoreMany can agree that, like all things, VR is served best with a healthy dose of moderation. But what happens when you use it too much? Like every day?
Read MoreThrough the combined efforts of researchers at Rice University, Biola University, and the Texas A&M Health Science Center, the human race now possesses tiny, molecule-sized drills capable of destroying not just diseased cells, but entire multicellular microorganisms.
Read MoreIt's the ultimate handwavey, science fiction trope. Engage the warp drive and you can move people through time and space faster than you can pronounce intergalactic mycelium network. And it's looking more possible than ever.
Read MoreGasp! A group of wicked hackers are threatening to take over the world's satellites, crippling communications and sending humanity back to the information stone age where we had to read newspapers for information... Here's how hackers could turn satellites into weapons.
Read MoreSome things, like kale and proctology, are objectively good for you but still pretty awful. Such is the case with the weird scientific discovery made by researchers at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, who discovered the technology to knit things out of human skin.
Read MoreWhat if video was no longer reliable? Horrifyingly, realistic "deepfake" are becoming increasingly easy to create. Here's the untold truth of deepfakes.
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