Halley's Comet Is Connected With This Christian Symbol
Halley's Comet is one of the most well-known celestial phenomenons, occurring just once every 75 years. It also potentially has meaning as a Christian symbol.
Read MoreHalley's Comet is one of the most well-known celestial phenomenons, occurring just once every 75 years. It also potentially has meaning as a Christian symbol.
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Read MoreHalley's Comet has been an alleged herald of momentous events shaping humanity. Here are three times the celestial body was seen ahead of important events.
Read MoreVery few insurance companies would offer a life insurance policy to an astronaut, if they would offer one at all. Here's how astronauts secured life insurance.
Read MoreThe space race has changed in mission and in scope over the last 60 years. Today, these three companies make up the modern-day space race rivalry.
Read MoreIn February 2017, NASA unveiled one of the most fascinating astronomical discoveries ever made: a planetary system dubbed TRAPPIST-1.
Read MoreSpace is a strange place and not the most hospitable to humans. Even trained astronauts suffer from motion sickness and here's what they do when they vomit.
Read MoreSpace is a fascinating place with many strange phenomena that baffle scientists. Blowing bubbles in space may sound fun but the reality is very different.
Read MoreThrough new innovations in astronomical observation, scientists have discovered something about the Milky Way which could be a game-changer. So what is it?
Read MoreSpace is a vast unexplored seemingly endless expanse. In it there are a multitude of flying bodies and here's how you tell the difference between them.
Read MoreWhile there don't seem to be many planets in our Solar System that can support life, scientists believe that there are 300 million planets out there that can.
Read MoreIn the wake of the 2020 Nobel Prize for Physics, scientists have finally imaged Sagittarius A*. This is everything we know about the Milky Way's black hole.
Read MoreShooting stars are not uncommon to see over Earth. But, when one explodes over our planet it can cause a mighty boom, such as one did over the Bering Sea.
Read MoreEarth is the only planet in our Solar System hospitable to human life, but these exoplanets outside our Solar System may also be conducive to human life.
Read MoreWe are lucky to have the Earth because the most extreme exoplanets are more extreme than you likely thought possible and are definitely lethal to human life.
Read MoreWe often hear about asteroids heading toward Earth, but could one actually destroy it? Here's how large an asteroid would have to be to destroy Earth.
Read MoreLife on Earth is dependent on water, so scientists look for water on other planets for possible life elsewhere. Here is the history of that search.
Read MoreIncreasingly, society strives to level the playing professional playing field for women in a variety of fields. NASA still has some gender-based standards.
Read MoreOn the morning of February 15, 2013, a small asteroid exploded over Russia in a blast that had approximately 500 kilotons of energy. Where did it come from?
Read MoreAstronauts might not be present on earth for elections, but that doesn't mean they can't vote. There's actually a whole system in place allowing them to vote.
Read MoreLike all foods designed for consumption in Outer Space, astronaut ice cream is a bit of an anomaly to most peoiple. Here's who invented astronaut ice cream.
Read MoreEveryone is familiar with earthquakes, whether you've experienced one in person or not, but what are earthquakes called on other planets like Mars and Venus?
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