• What's Brain Freeze, And Why Do We Get It?

    One moment you're enjoying a nice cold treat with your two closest friends. The next, you're doubled over in pain as a thunderous pain claps your temples. Unfortunately, you're not Harry Potter sensing Voldemort, you've just got brain freeze. What is this scourge of summertime snow-sweets?

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • What Would Happen If Everyone Jumped At The Same Time?

    We humans love to break records, and messing with gravity seems to be one of our species' odd and enduring obsessions. But what would happen if we decided to take things to the next level by convincing every human on earth to jump at exactly the same time?

    By Mark Lambert Read More
  • What Would Happen If There Were No Moon?

    The human race has an odd relationship with the battered, lonely space-bauble lazily circling our planet. It means many different things to our species. But setting our love affair with Earth's largest natural satellite aside, what would happen if it weren't there?

    By Mark Lambert Read More
  • What Would Happen If Bees Went Extinct?

    We love bees. We love them so much that Jerry Seinfeld made a movie about them. The industrious little bugs generate the world's supply of honey and inspire folksy art the world over, but they're also a vital part of both our ecosystem and our economy. Without them we'd be in a sea of troubles.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • Do Spiders Sleep?

    Spiders aren't the kind of critters you can easily sneak up on, and for the 75 percent of our species who find spiders repugnant or terrifying, it's often this constant watchful alertness they find most disconcerting. So that leads us to the slightly weird question: do spiders sleep?

    By Mark Lambert Read More
  • What Happens When You Get Struck By Lightning

    Getting struck by lightning is less like being pelted with fast food and more like being punched with Thor's hammer. So let's take a look at how Mother Nature's hammerfist works and what would happen if it hit you. Spoiler alert: nothing good! But possibly not anything necessarily deadly?

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • Are Daddy Long-Legs Spiders Actually Poisonous?

    These days, the word "daddy" followed by "long-legs" sounds more like a description of Jeff Goldblum than a colloquial title for a kind of arachnid. The truth is, everything you think you know about these eight-legged fellows -- like the "fact" that they're crazy poisonous -- might be wrong.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • When Will The Sun Die?

    The sun is the yeast which allows the dough of life to arise, without which humanity would never have bred. It comprises over 99.8 percent of all mass in our solar system, which formed around it about 4.6 billion years ago. So what will happen when our heavenly benefactor dies?

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • Why You'd Never Survive Life During A Zombie Apocalypse

    A zombie apocalypse could be fun, if it goes the way that TV shows and movies imagine it. But the thing about enjoying a zombie apocalypse is you'd have to survive the zombie apocalypse first. Here are a whole bunch of reasons you wouldn't survive a zombie apocalypse.

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • The Untold Truth Of Snake Island

    Snake Island is home to one of the deadliest snake species in the world and oh yeah, there are literally thousands of these golden lancehead snakes on Snake Island. Also Snake Island is a mere 110 acres, so the density of golden lanceheads on Snake Island is pretty darned high.

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • Why This Fire Has Been Burning Under Centralia, PA For Over 50 Years

    This Pennsylvania town was once an ordinary slice of Americana, but these days, the ghostly ruins of the so-called 'real Silent Hill' has no zip code, no stores, and almost no people. Here is the story of Centralia, the town that sits atop an underground inferno that could rage for centuries.

    By Nicholas Conley Read More
  • The Real Reason Some People Are Growing Horns From Their Skulls

    Humans have a tough time adjusting to new technologies. That's certainly proven true for smartphones and screens, as anyone who can afford to has been staring at a screen for the last decade-ish. Here's what we know about headlines suggesting people are growing horns because of their phone use.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • Meteorologists Who Lost It On Live TV

    TV meteorologists handle all kinds of inclement situations. But there is a limit. Get your umbrella ready, because these presenters lost it on live TV.

    By Nicholas Conley Read More