The Most Expensive Horse Breed In The World
As far as what you'll actually spend on simply obtaining a horse, that varies a lot depending on the horse's breed.
Read MoreAs far as what you'll actually spend on simply obtaining a horse, that varies a lot depending on the horse's breed.
Read MoreCats: they're furry, occasionally cuddly, and not unlike your last few significant others, they show their affection by leaving dead animals on your porch. With the help of modern science and a heaping scoop of "why not" attitude, you can have your fur ball cloned in a lab like a stormtrooper.
Read MoreThe trippy niftiness of a lava lamp is almost beyond description. In 2016, Gizmodo wrote, "You'd assume that dropping a GoPro inside a working lava lamp would be like diving into an active volcano." That was obviously a joke, but could you imagine if that's how "lava-themed" things worked?
Read MoreWhat do the Bible and Harry Potter have in common? A bearded guy capable of amazing feats? A story centered around "a Chosen One?" Perhaps. But the answer no one can deny is that neither story seems to think highly of snakes. So why all the snake hate? It's almost as if it's hardwired into us.
Read MoreBenjamin Franklin said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." As such, doomsday preppers are packing on the prevention pounds with strange supplies in advance of the end of the world. But if you're looking to get the best bang for your survival buck, condoms are hard to beat.
Read MoreEach cow has a limited supply of milk it can produce in its lifetime, and you're about to learn exactly how many squeezes it takes to deplete an udder.
Read MoreWe already know you can clone a sheep. So can cloning be used to duplicate your iddle biddle puppy dog? The answer is yes. But with any time that scientific morality gets thrown to the wind, there's really only one question left: how much is this technological affront to God going to cost you?
Read MoreGoogle isn't so much a search engine as it is a panopticon that you opt into. So why don't people freak out about Google's mass data collection like they did when Edward Snowden exposed mass surveillance by the NSA? We're guessing that the company's name has something to do with it.
Read MoreYou don't really consider it when you're a kid, but all those astronauts you looked up to were depositing paychecks every month. In addition to acclaim, patriotism, and the chance to be an icon, they were at least partially in the space exploration game because it beats digging a ditch.
Read MoreImagine if you had to worry about giant fanged cats while you were camping. Forget putting your food in a bear locker--you'd have to put your whole tent in one. Saber-toothed tigers were cool, but their extinction pretty much made the whole outdoor industry possible. So why did they go extinct?
Read MoreYes, it's true -- rabbits don't actually belong to the rodent family.
Read MoreAntarctica is cold. You've never seen a photo of Antarctic beaches looking warm and inviting, and you wouldn't want to go for a swim in the Antarctic waters. A lot of serendipitously sucky variables have to come together in just the right way to create conditions that cold.
Read MoreIn terms of altitude, there is a bird that puts all others to shame. If Snoop Dogg could shapeshift into an avian, he wouldn't even come close. This bird gets so high that most people don't even know it exists; it's literally off their radar. That bird is the Ruppell's griffon vulture.
Read MoreIf you're a budget-minded traveler, you probably plan your estimated expenses every time you travel. If you're not keeping track, your credit card bill might be pretty shocking. Now imagine you're traveling through space. Just how much would it actually cost to go to Mars?
Read MoreHey, guess what? This world isn't gonna last forever. No matter what we do, no matter how hard we try, one day the end of the world will arrive. One day the sun will explode or an asteroid will strike or some aliens will come blow everything up and it'll be the end. The real question is, when?
Read MoreMattress companies, for some weird reason, seem to really enjoy telling us how long snails can sleep. The idea that snails can sleep for up to three years has been perpetuated by these sites all across the internet, but is it true? How long do snails sleep, really?
Read MoreHumans place a premium on uncommon objects. Perhaps the world's biggest spenders would pay their prettiest pennies for the rarest substance on Earth. What's the rarest substance? Glad you (probably) asked. This is the rarest substance on Earth.
Read MoreVipers, mambas, adders, subtracters. Unless you're a real snake lover, you maybe haven't heard of the most venomous snake in the world.
Read MoreActual snakes sometimes try to eat their actual tails. What happens when a snake tries to eat itself?
Read MoreNot even light can escape from black holes, meaning that if Earth got close enough we'd be screwed. Most black holes are way too far off to pose a real threat to humanity and the earth, but there's one that's relatively close and should maybe be concerning. This is the black hole closest to Earth.
Read MoreEvery living thing wears out its welcome on Earth eventually and takes a one-way train to oblivion. But some departures hurt worse than others. As painfully unthinkable as it is, dog breeds go extinct and it might not be for the reasons you think. Here's the sad reason dog breeds go extinct.
Read MoreIn space no one can hear you scream, but can they smell your fear? What does space smell like? Thankfully for those curious sniffers, we've sent lots of astronauts into space, and they can tell us what space smells like ... sort of.
Read MoreWhat insect has the most painful sting? The world's most painful insect sting is delivered by the bullet ant.
Read MoreMost animals will happily bite your face off.
Read MoreHollywood tells us that space is cold. Really cold. We've seen lots of pop culture heroes and villains get frozen to death in outer space. But is that accurate? How cold is outer space, really?
Read MoreThe humble hamster looks like it wouldn't harm a fly but might totally swallow a fly like an old woman in a nursery rhyme if the fly looked like one of her pups. Want to know why the hamster would swallow a "fly" it gave birth to? Here's the reason hamsters eat their babies.
Read MoreWhich plant gets the title of "most poisonous" is kind of a subjective thing. Do we mean "most poison per square inch" or "highest mortality rate" or "fastest acting poisonous plant" or "easiest to encounter"? What is science's consensus on the most poisonous plant in the world?
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