• How Electric Are Electric Eels?

    Yeah, they're called electric eels, but what's the deal with these fish? Can they actually hurt a human with their shocking abilities or no? Well, let's take a look at these weird animals and figure out how electric they really are.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About The US Navy's 'Bomb-Sniffing Cyborg Locusts'

    Sometimes evolution is the best engineer. In a development that sounds more like a plot from a Neil Stephenson novel, an Office of Naval Research-backed project has discovered a method to utilize locusts -- yes, actual locusts -- as bomb-sniffing cyborg reconnaissance tools.

    By Zach Lisabeth Read More
  • Turning Humans To Compost Could Be The Future Of Body Disposal

    The common options for getting rid of your body after death carry steep environmental burdens, which is why some scientists are now recommending the new and exciting method of giving your body up for compost. Consider it a final gift to the world which created you.

    By Nicholas Conley Read More
  • The Boston Dynamics Robot Dog Is About To Get Its First Job

    Two unequivocal truths of this world are that working on an oil rig is an incredibly dangerous profession, and dogs with jobs are a delight. Thanks to the literal geniuses at the engineering and robotics company Boston Dynamics those two truths are about to collide.

    By Robert Balkovich Read More
  • How Dirty Rain Water Really Is

    Rain. Sometimes more than we need, sometimes not nearly enough. But what you really want to know is whether rain water is actually safe to drink as is.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • How Hackers Could Turn Satellites Into Weapons

    Gasp! A group of wicked hackers are threatening to take over the world's satellites, crippling communications and sending humanity back to the information stone age where we had to read newspapers for information... Here's how hackers could turn satellites into weapons.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • How Dangerous Is LASIK Surgery?

    LASIK, which somehow stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, is the process of using a high-intensity light beam to reshape the cornea. That sounds kind of dangerous.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • 'Fascinating' Study Sheds New Light On Consciousness

    A new result published in the scientific journal Neuron, has scientists and philosophers alike atwitter about its implications for our understanding of human consciousness. The experiment itself sounds like something out of Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory.

    By Zach Lisabeth Read More
  • The Real Reasons Polar Bears Are Endangered

    Fun fact: the World Wildlife Fund refers to polar bears as marine mammals -- you know, like whales and orcas and dolphins – because they spend so much of their lives on the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean. Here's why they are endangered.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • How Dirty Water Fountains Really Are

    Water fountains are never the hero of anyone's story, save for One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest when Chief Bromden smashes a mental hospital window with a water fountain and escapes. But even then, he didn't drink from it. Here's how dirty water fountains are.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • The Dog Breed That Has The Best Sense Of Smell

    Dogs: they're man's best friend. They're our loyal companions. They stand by our sides when times get tough, assuming that we keep feeding them our unfinished jerky sticks and scratching those hard-to-reach places. But which dog has the best sense of smell?

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Rarest Eye Colors In The World

    You've probably seen some pretty rare eye colors at some point in your life, but what exactly are the rarest in the world? Let's take a look.

    By Nicholas Conley Read More
  • Physicists Determine Ideal Soap Recipe For Bubble Blowing

    Forget curing cancer, of finding a vaccine to prevent coronavirus. Science has finally put its money where its mouth really is by coming up with what must be the greatest discovery since Albert Einstein invented sliced bread. We're talking, of course, about a recipe for better soap bubbles.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • What Is The Dirtiest Place On An Airplane?

    No matter how overbooked a flight might be, one traveler that always lands a spot on the plane is latent regret. One of the times that feeling kicks in is when you realize how utterly dirty and disgusting a commercial aircraft can get.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • How Long Can You Live Without Sleep?

    There are many things a human body simply can't do without. A lack of food, water or air can easily kill us in awful ways, but there's another, stranger danger that most people don't really think about: Not being able to sleep.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • What Do Whale Sharks Eat?

    Whale shark. Even the name conjures up some kind of Jurassic Park chimera, with Jeff Goldblum stuttering a warning about how teeth will find a way. But what do they eat?

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More