• Hobbits Might Actually Have Existed. Here's Why

    It's been speculated that in the middle of the earth, in the land of the Shire, there was, at some point, a brave little hobbit with qualities that a lot of people find admirable. Then, in 2003, according to the Smithsonian Magazine, a discovery was made on the Indonesian island of Flores.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • What Happens To Your Body When You Compulsively Lie

    We all have had an occasion to lie -- sometimes about cherry trees, like George Washington, and other times, just to be polite. There is a difference between social niceties and pathological lying, though. But where is the line, and what happens when we cross it?

    By Felix Behr Read More
  • What Really Happens To Your Body When You Take A Polygraph Test

    Although they lack the pizzazz of lightsabers, polygraphs — better known as lie detectors — work on the equally fantastical premise that a machine can definitively say whether the subject of the test is lying or not ... and the Supreme Court ruled against them in 1998.

    By Felix Behr Read More
  • Myths About Flex Tape You Can Stop Believing

    Duct tape — or as its commercially known, Flex Tape — can do many things. Flex Tape even has commercials talking about everything it can stick together. And while it's true some things can be fixed with duct tape... don't believe everything.

    By Emilia David Read More
  • The Truth About The Great Dane With Two World Records

    It's rare to beat a world record, let alone have two, unless you're that guy with the record for most world records. However, one dog in the UK managed this feat. Freddy the Great Dane is not just the tallest dog in the world (and one of the largest), but is also now the oldest living Great Dane.

    By Emilia David Read More
  • The Real Reason A Tesla Was Launched Into Space

    Thanks in large part to Brad Pitt, society bumped up their Latin vocabulary last year. Added to "et cetera" and "in vino veritas," everyone now knows "ad astra," the title of Pitt's movie about space travel, meaning "to the stars."

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • This Is What Scientists Think The Loch Ness Monster Actually Is

    The Loch Ness Monster has fascinated people for centuries, earning a distinguished role in the pantheon of famous mythic creatures like Bigfoot and the Chupacabra. Sadly, scientists are ready to burst your bubble — they think it's not a monster, at all.

    By Emilia David Read More
  • Should You Get A Bed For Your Dog?

    Genuine, committed, dyed-in-the-wool dog owners are like golfers: They're really easy to shop for. But there's one thing dog owners are split down the middle about -- dog beds? To buy or not to buy?

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • Why The Coronavirus Isn't Going To Disappear Like SARS Did

    SARS came and went -- which seems like a real glass-is-half-full potential outcome for the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. Unfortunately, there's a small pile of reasons why it's unlikely that we'll see the same miraculous contagion disappearing act this time around.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About The Deadliest Octopus In The World

    "Small and kind of cute" doesn't necessarily mean "small and kind of cute and harmless," as any Peter Dinklage fan knows. Add "kind of cute, for something boneless" and it doesn't change. Case in point: the blue-ringed octopus. Small, and kind of cute, but astonishingly deadly.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • The Real Reason Rockets Launch From Florida

    If you were one of the thousands who watched the SpaceX launch, you might have noticed that the feed came from Florida. A lot of space shuttles and rockets take off from Cape Canaveral in Florida, and there's a reason for it. But no, it isn't because astronauts get to enjoy the fun and sun.

    By Emilia David Read More
  • The Truth About The Animal That Spends Its Whole Adult Life Pregnant

    Between overwhelmed aunts, the folks at your church, and coworkers who won't stop pumping in the break room, there's a good chance you know somebody perpetually pregnant. Now, researchers have found a marsupial that double-bunks its pregnancies like it's running a shady hostel in its womb.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Real Reason Cicadas Are So Loud

    The humble cicada begins its life as an egg, so small as to be imperceptible to all but the most astute. Then, like fossil fuels and the Uruk-hai, they emerge from the firmament and make everyone's life hell.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • Here's Where Meteorites End Up When They Hit Earth

    Some people might tell you that once they hit Earth, meteorites go to live on a farm with other meteorites, where they can run through the fields together and chase rabbits. Some people would be wrong.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About The Town Where Cell Phones Are Illegal

    Imagine a world without cell phones. It's hard for most people, since cell phones are so ingrained into everyday life. However, if you lived in Green Bank, West Virginia, you wouldn't be able to text anyone, let alone take social media photos.

    By Emilia David Read More
  • When You Play Tetris Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Brain

    Play a game long enough and eventually, you'll find yourself seeing it everywhere, or seeing changes in your body. This is particularly true for games involving patterns, like Tetris, where colored objects fit together like a puzzle. This phenomenon even has a name: the "Tetris effect."

    By Emilia David Read More