• Here's What Tiger King Left Out About The Real Story

    Even the most mundane life would be difficult to sum up in five hours and change, but the life of Joe Exotic has been anything but mundane. Here's what the makers of the hit Netflix series Tiger King: Muder, Mayhem and Madness left out about the real story.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • What Doc Antle From Tiger King Is Doing Now

    Fans of the Netflix hit true-crime documentary series Tiger King may very well remember Bhagavan "Doc" Antle, the refined, theatrical South Carolina animal park owner. He is the kind of cool and collected character that the docuseries' main subject, Joe Exotic, aspired to be. Here's what he's up to.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • The Story Behind Queen Victoria's Favorite Piece Of Jewelry

    Some things are hard to rank. For instance, your favorite child. Or, if you're royalty, it's probably difficult to pick your favorite piece of jewelry when you have a ton. So did Queen Victoria have a favorite piece of bling? This is the story behind Queen Victoria's favorite piece of jewelry.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • The Real Reason Queen Elizabeth I Never Married

    Queen Elizabeth I of England clung to her title of "The Virgin Queen" and, though some suggest she had lovers, she never married and never produced a direct heir, let alone a spare. But that's kind of the whole point of a queen. So why not? Here's the real reason Queen Elizabeth I never married.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • How Much Power Does The King Of Spain Really Have?

    King Philip II of Spain took the throne in 1556. His reign marked the start of absolutism, an era characterized by all-powerful, completely unaccountable monarchs. But the Spanish Crown's power has dwindled significantly since then. How much power does the King of Spain really have?

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • What Life Was Really Like As A Viking In 800 AD

    When most think of Vikings, the first thing that comes to mind is looting and pillaging. But that's just one aspect of Viking life and culture, and over the years, historians have been able to unravel many more details of daily Viking life. Here's what life was really like as a Viking in 800 AD.

    By DB Kelly Read More
  • The Reason People Think Breaking A Mirror Is Bad Luck

    Superstitions. Salt cannot be spilled. Ladders demand a careful sidestep. Cracks must not be trodden upon, lest the chiropractic health of one's sainted mother be thrown into disarray. And of course, a broken mirror leads, inevitably, to seven years of bad luck.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About The Real Ivar The Boneless From Vikings

    The history of 9th century Vikings is passed down to us today via Old Norse oral tradition, written down long after the campfires died. Did tales get changed? Quite possibly. Over time, things get added, subtracted, multiplied, and even turned into shows on the History Channel, like Vikings.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • The Weird Reason Queen Elizabeth Owns So Many Whales

    Queen Elizabeth owns a great many things like jewelry, palaces, and works of art. And you'd think that would be enough, right? But no. Apparently, her majesty also needs to own all of the whales off the coast of Great Britain. Here's the weird reason Queen Elizabeth owns so many whales.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About The Reign Of The Winter Queen

    Elizabeth of Bohemia is known as the "The Winter Queen," and she had a catastrophic reign. All 12 months of it. Yes, it turns out a stupid nickname can lead to people misremembering your whole tenure as royalty. Here's the truth about the reign of the Winter Queen.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • Creepy Things Inside Queen Victoria's Coffin

    Queen Victoria left astonishingly specific instructions as to how she was to be interred after she died. Kept secret from the royal family, they detailed a pharaoh-level list of items to be buried with Her Majesty, and some were weird. These were the creepy things inside Queen Victoria's coffin.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • Princess Feodora: The Truth About Queen Victoria's Sister

    The royal life isn't for everybody, with its constant demands and unceasing visibility. Some people don't want that. That seems to have been the case with Princess Feodora, who dodged the royal throne by being born to the wrong dad. Here's the truth about Queen Victoria's sister Princess Feodora.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About Hemophilia In The Royal Family

    Why is a blood affliction associated with the British monarchy? If anything was going to be called "the royal disease," shouldn't it have been crippling shopoholism or narcissistic personality disorder? Turns out, we can blame Queen Victoria.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • What Really Killed Queen Victoria?

    Victoria's reign was marked by a period of great economic progress in England, as well as advances in learning and technology. There was still grinding poverty, but it was a start. She made it into the 20th century, however briefly, before her death. Here's what killed her.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • The Messed Up Truth Of Queen Victoria

    Being Queen Victoria was a pretty sweet deal, but beneath the surface you'll find calamity and controversy. Here's the messed up truth of Queen Victoria.

    By Tim Butters Read More
  • Walking Sharks Discovered Near Australian Coast

    As if Australia hasn't suffered enough, it now has sharks that – wait for it – walk. First Steve Irwin, and then bush fires turning koalas into tiki torches, and let's not even mention Paul Hogan.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • How Much Does The Royal Family Actually Cost The UK?

    anuary 2020, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and wife Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, announced that they were distancing themselves from thrones in general, and would work to become "financially independent." But how much are they costing the UK?

    By A. C. Grimes Read More