The Reason One Florida Company Repurposes Dead Bodies For Environmental Use
Life is certainly complicated enough, let alone what happens after death -- what do you do with the body of a deceased loved one? (Even if they weren't loved.)
Read MoreLife is certainly complicated enough, let alone what happens after death -- what do you do with the body of a deceased loved one? (Even if they weren't loved.)
Read MoreRanchera star, Vicente Fernandez, had to pay over $3 million to his son's kidnappers for his return the late '90s, but his son would never be the same.
Read MoreThere are plenty of mesmerizing and fascinating little adornments in Mother Nature's crown that reside in some of the more remote corners of the Earth.
Read MoreCarol Burnett has been part and parcel of American comedy for decades -- through her variety show, through film and stage. But what about her signature ear tug?
Read MoreMathematics seems like it's a skill for the most sentient of planetary beings. But, studies have shown that math is a relatively common trait among animals.
Read MoreAmong America's national parks, none has quite the reputation for beauty and diversity that Yellowstone does. Here's how it could end all life as we know it.
Read MoreLions aren't typically found in Europe, instead appearing more frequently in Africa. Here's why you won't find many lions in Europe these days.
Read MoreThe Earth is full of mysteries, but scientists recently discovered that 400 million years ago, giant mushrooms covered the Earth.
Read MoreAncient people were pretty creative with methods of punishment and torture. Here's how ancient Persians used trees to execute criminals
Read MoreMount Doane in Yellowstone National Park was named for Gustavus Doane, but the name was changed in 2022. Here's the reason behind the historic renaming.
Read MoreSince your tax dollars pay for them and they are expressly for your enjoyment, that means you can do what you like in a national park, right? Wrong.
Read MoreAnyone up to put a pig on trial in a court of law? Medieval folks thought that made perfect sense — and some thought a certain species of lamb grew on trees.
Read MoreThis bank in Italy holds almost half a million wheels of cheese. It's an unusual business model, but it works for everyone involved.
Read MoreJust about everyone is familiar with the scent of popcorn. Especially the very specific popcorn scent that comes from the lobby of a movie theater.
Read MoreIt was not, perhaps, the most highly anticipated match in history, but the legal battle between nature lovers and wrestling promoters had a fascinating outcome.
Read MoreThe fact that animals engage in myriad sexual behaviors has been known for a very long time. Here are some animal species that practice same-sex coupling.
Read MoreThe total amount awarded to Johnny Depp was $15 million, including $10 million in damages and $5 in punitive damages — however, he won't pocket $15 million.
Read MoreYou'd be surprised to find out that out of all of the animal predators that call Yellowstone home, it's not bears visitors have to worry about -- it's bison.
Read MoreParticularly in recent history, floral imagery has taken root in several parts of LGBTQ+ history. This is the symbolism behind flowers in LGBTQ+ history.
Read MoreWhen we think of nuclear reactors, we might assume they're all made by humans. But as scientists discovered in 1972, that's not necessarily the case.
Read MoreIn 2003, the United States experienced an outbreak of a small-pox-like disease endemic to Africa called monkeypox. Let's take a look at what happened.
Read MoreWe don't really know what's going on in our dogs' hearts and minds. According to science, dogs' emotions are very real — and they're fascinating.
Read MoreMonkeypox is a rare disease usually contained to Africa, but a new outbreak in Europe has caused concern. Cases have also begun to appear in the U.S.
Read MoreThese Missouri caves are repurposed limestone mines used by Kraft, and they're the perfect environment for storing large amounts of cheese.
Read MoreWe all know that plants are living things, but it may come as a surprise that plants can actually communicate with each other in pretty unusual ways.
Read MoreCharles Darwin has gone down in history for his insightful work regarding evolution theory. Come to find out, he had some thoughts specifically about lions.
Read MoreThere are more national parks than states in the U.S., but some are underrated. Here's a list of national parks you should visit at least once in your life.
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