• Why Do We Eat Fruitcake At Christmas?

    As the domestic goddess (and apparent fruitcake lover) herself, Martha Stewart, explained on her website, it's a sinfully rich dessert filled with dried fruits and nuts. The fruits have to be soaked in a sugar syrup before being dropped into the batter. Fruitcakes are typically very dense cakes.

    By Emilia David Read More
  • Inside Steve Irwin's Plan To Save Endangered Animals

    At the time the Irwins put together their plan to save endangered animals from rapidly growing habitat destruction, they didn't believe the problem would end any time soon. It's a man-made problem caused by a mindset that will take a lot of time, dedication, and societal rebuilding to control.

    By Nick Vrchoticky Read More
  • This Is Why Volcanoes Really Erupt

    Eruptions occur because super-hot molten rocks called magma rise through the earth's crust and surface, according to Oregon State University's Volcano World.

    By Sandra Mardenfeld Read More
  • The Real Reason Dogs Tilt Their Heads

    Just about any dog owner has wondered why their pooch does that cute weird thing. But we should probably narrow that down. We're talking specifically about dogs' tendency to tilt their heads to the side, especially as a reaction to being spoken to by their master. It's an iconic gesture.

    By Daniel Leonard Read More
  • How NBA Star Antoine Walker Blew $110 Million

    Take a second to think about all the things you could do with $110 million. For most people, that number might as well be infinity. Is it even possible to squander over a hundred million bucks in one lifetime, let alone a few years? Ask Antoine Walker.

    By Cody Copeland Read More
  • How The Exorcist Helped Richard Branson Become A Millionaire

    Before Richard Branson was a knighted billionaire entrepreneur with a multi-national, multi-sector series of ventures, including space tourism outfit Virgin Galactic, he was a high school dropout. Then he started a record company. Here's how The Exorcist helped Richard Branson become a millionaire.

    By Karen Corday Read More
  • The Real Reason Cats Absolutely Love Catnip

    Everyone knows that cat facts and cat videos make the internet go around. Some of the best revolve around the wacky, bizarre antics that cats get up to after indulging in their version of demon weed: catnip.

    By Karen Corday Read More
  • How Many Words Do Dogs Really Understand?

    It's man's best friend, so of course you'd like to be able to communicate with them better. You hope they understand more than the basics, like heel, sit, and stay. But does your dog really understand you? Do they grasp the concept of roll over?

    By Emilia David Read More
  • The Dangerous Ocean Phenomenon You've Never Heard Of

    Cross waves occur when wind blows two opposing sets of wave forms towards each other at an oblique angle -- diagonal, or 45-degree. The waves collide, but do not cancel each other out, as they would if they hit head-on. Instead, they pass through.

    By Richard Milner Read More
  • Here's How The Atlantic Ocean Got Its Name

    The Atlantic Ocean is the Earth's second largest body of water. According to the National Ocean Service, the Atlantic covers approximately 41,105,000 square miles, or about 20% of the Earth's surface. Yet, the title itself, the Atlantic, sounds a bit impenetrable ...

    By Felix Behr Read More
  • How A Volcano May Have Led To The Rise Of The Roman Empire

    A recent paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests a coincidental explosion at Mount Okmok, a volcano in Alaska, caused the extreme climate that decided the very end of the Republic and birth of the Empire.

    By Felix Behr Read More
  • The Real Reason So Many Cats Have White Paws

    Socks or spats, the patter of white paws across the room requires either a musical accompaniment or an appropriate choir of "awws." But why white? Surely any cat in the wild would shun such attire, opting instead for something more camouflaged. So where did all these white-footed cats come from?

    By Felix Behr Read More
  • The Sad Truth About The Nazi's Animals

    Whether it's the horrific experiments led by "angel of death" Josef Mengele, the horrors of concentration camps like Ravensbruck — or, you know, Hitler — you won't be hard-pressed to find examples of Nazis being unspeakably awful.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • Here's How Dogs Can Actually Detect Cancer

    Over the ages, dogs have been used to perform many odd jobs alongside humans. From working in public safety, mental health and criminal justice sectors, the addition of a canine pal can prove beneficial in many situations. Can dogs detect cancer, though?

    By Nicole Rosenthal Read More
  • Myths About Black Cats You Can Stop Believing

    Cats might be the new kids on the block, when it comes to domestication — the world's oldest dog breeds were around a long time before the world's oldest domestic cats — but surely, thousands of years is plenty of time to shake off bizarre superstitions... like those legends assigned to black cats.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • Here's How Long Dogs Can Go Without Food

    f a garden-variety dog could talk it'd probably inform humans that starvation sets in roughly five seconds after the plastic on a slice of processed cheese makes that distinctive crinkly noise. But how long can dogs really go without food?

    By Mark Lambert Read More
  • Here's How Long Cats Can Go Without Food

    Let's start by establishing that this is a safe, judgement-free zone, and nobody is making any assumptions about anybody else, or the things that no one should ever be doing to their cat.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • Whatever Happened To The Wallflowers?

    Throughout the later 90s, it seemed The Wallflowers and frontman Jakob Dylan were everywhere, after bursting onto the scene in the with songs "One Headlight". If you ask some people, they'd say the band was a one-hit-wonder. But The Wallflowers are still alive and kicking -- even touring.

    By Emilia David Read More