The Legend Of Witches Flying On Brooms Explained
All kinds of images are associated with Halloween -- ghosts and goblins, horror movie characters -- but few resonate like a witch in flight astride a broom.
Read MoreAll kinds of images are associated with Halloween -- ghosts and goblins, horror movie characters -- but few resonate like a witch in flight astride a broom.
Read MoreMost of us have at least one or two foods that we politely decline to eat, for whatever reason. Those standards tend to drop when facing actual starvation.
Read MoreThe tulsi plant is highly significant in Hindu culture. Here's why some Hindu homes have four deities surrounding their tulsi plant.
Read MoreSo imagine you're a doctor — a psychologist, in fact. One of your patients comes up to you one day and says, "Hey doc, guess what? I'm Jesus Christ."
Read MoreEnter Empress Elisabeth of Austria, who ruled from 1854 to 1898 as wife of Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I. Here's how she met her end.
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Read MoreThere was no Bob Marvel starting the comics company, but there was a Walt behind Disney all those years ago, and a real L.L. Bean behind (and in) those boots.
Read MoreSome believe the abandoned Shawnee amusement on a Native American burial ground is haunted. Because of its shady history, many say it's cursed.
Read MoreThanks to depictions like "Tombstone," Doc Holliday's alleged final words "This is funny" are well-known, but perhaps less known is the story behind it.
Read MorePoliticians are expected to know about the district they wish to govern, but as it turns out, gaffes happen, and sometimes the pols even acknowledge them.
Read MoreOver the course of British history, a handful of public figures not of royal descent have also been given the honor of a state funeral. Here is the full list.
Read MoreLife on the homefront during World War II was hard, so let's take a look at what was going on in the U.S. and Britain while millions died in battle.
Read MoreEven with variations in cultural norms, every society has some things in common -- among them, disposition of the dead. There are surprising similarities.
Read MoreIt's interesting to think JFK had a diary and in it, he wrote about Adolf Hitler. The entry would likely turn heads today.
Read MoreThe medieval rack was a gruesome torture device designed to get victims to confess. This is the cringeworthy reality of how the rack worked.
Read MoreRemember those childhood warnings, about what would happen if you swallowed a watermelon seed? It would grow inside you, right? Wrong. Or maybe.
Read MoreEarly on in the United States, the job of governor was always filled by men – but in 1924, that all changed when Miriam Ferguson was elected to head Texas.
Read MorePresident Zachary Taylor met an untimely death due to cholera (or perhaps other causes). These were Taylor's final words before passing away.
Read MoreModern holidays often mark important dates for individual cultures, but things were different in the past. This is how the ancients celebrated the fall equinox.
Read MoreHolidays bring some rather interesting traditions that are so embedded into society that they often go unquestioned in the 21st century.
Read MoreShortly after the Great Depression, a serial killer dismembered and killed at least a dozen victims in Cleveland. Here is the story of the Torso Murderer.
Read MoreCircuses and sideshows have a complicated yet fascinating history in the United States. Meet Ella Harper, a vintage side show star with a wild talent.
Read MoreIn 1971, a curious discovery sent the media into a tailspin. Here's the story of the uncontacted Philippines tribe that might have been a hoax.
Read MoreThe timeline of Roman history is about as convoluted as it is long, stretching out over two millenia. This is the Roman Empire timeline explained.
Read MoreThe man formerly known as President Bill Clinton is surrounded by a basket-load of weird facts: This is the untold truth of Bill Clinton.
Read MoreA city in New Hampshire holds the Guinness World Record for the most number of lit jack-o'-lanterns.
Read MoreThe funeral ceremonies for national leadership can often say as much about a country as about the individual being remembered for their service.
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