• The Real Reason Russia Sold Alaska To The United States

    In the mid-1800s, the United States set its sights on Alaska, now a state rich in oil, fish, minerals, natural wonders, and snow. But not everyone thought it was such a great idea The US went ahead and made the purchase anyway. So what is the real reason Russia sold Alaska to the United States?

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • The Reason School Buses Are Painted Yellow

    When children attend school in America, they learn a few truths: dogs love the taste of homework, pop quizzes are torture, and school buses are yellow. Of course, the fact that something is obviously true doesn't mean you know why it's true. So what's the reason school buses are painted yellow?

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • This Is What You Should Do If You Encounter A Coyote

    When Road Runner encountered Wile E. Coyote, he just dropped an anvil on the guy's head. Problem solved. In real life, though, coyotes aren't really trying to eat us. So what should you do if you're out walking your dog on a peaceful summer evening and you encounter a coyote?

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • Why Sugar Gliders Shouldn't Be Pets

    The sugar glider looks like the perfect pet. It's adorable, pocket-sized, and has the eye-to-face ratio of a child star. But as many Pokemon trainers undoubtedly learned, a creature's cuteness is no kind of gauge for how well it'll adapt to life as a pet. Here's why sugar gliders shouldn't be pets.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • How Many Christians Are In The World?

    Christianity is a pretty big deal. It also happens to be the most widely practiced religion in the world. There are about 2.2 billion Christians in the world, out of a total population of around 7.6 billion. So almost one out of every three people worldwide is a Christian.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • The Strange History Of Tattoos

    While tattoos are commonplace in this day and age, they have a really strange history, full of violent stories, famous figures, and freaky characters.

    By Kathy Benjamin Read More
  • The Most Expensive Dog Breed In The World

    There's nothing like putting a price on something priceless like pet ownership. Humans are the kings of commoditization, however, so we'll slap a price tag on it. It shouldn't be a surprise then, that we price dogs according to their breed, and that one typically fetches more money than any other.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • What Life Was Like For Women In The Middle Ages

    Chivalry, romance, and those weird pointy hats. What's not to love about life during the Middle Ages? Except, you know, everything. It turns out, Hollywood lied to you big time. And for women, well, even if you did live in a castle and wear gorgeous dresses, life was really not that great.

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • The Troubled History Of Mick Jagger

    Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger has been in one of the most successful bands in rock history since 1962. But the singer has trudged through many turmoils and tragedies, many of which have been of his own making. Without further ado, let's take a look at the troubled history of Mick Jagger.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • What Life In Alcatraz Was Really Like

    Everybody knows Alcatraz is one of the most infamous prisons in history, but this island penitentiary was actually a lot different than its legend suggests.

    By Kathy Benjamin Read More
  • What Pre-American Alaska Was Really Like

    The people who lived in pre-American Alaska had to learn how to survive in a sometimes harsh and inhospitable landscape. So what was it really like in pre-American Alaska? Cold. But it was also beautiful, abundant, and challenging. Here's everything you didn't know about life in pre-American Alaska.

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • What Did Cleopatra Really Look Like?

    For centuries, Cleopatra has been celebrated for her beauty. You only have to watch like 10 of the bazillions of Cleopatra movies to know that beauty was pretty much right there on the top of Cleopatra's list of fine qualities. But how beautiful was the famous queen of Egypt, really?

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • The Truth About Bruce Lee's One-Inch Punch

    When Bruce Lee threw his one-inch punch, the man it struck "[flew] back at least five meters (16.4 feet)." That's nearly 200 times the distance his fist traveled. If someone told you Bruce Lee could bruise the air just by shadowboxing, you'd probably believe it. How on Earth did he punch that hard?

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • The Disastrous History Of Legos

    Every kid loves Lego, but not fate, which explains the series of misfortunes that have plagued Lego since 1924. Read on for the disastrous history of Legos.

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • Here's What The Bible Says About Tattoos And Piercings

    The Ten Commandments give us zero hints about what to eat, for example, or what clothes are acceptable, or whether or not God is disappointed in you for going to Hot Topic and getting a belly button ring. That's why we've got to open up the Bible to learn all the ways we've screwed up.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Real Reason Pluto Isn't A Planet Anymore

    If you still think there are nine planets in the solar system, we've got some bad news. In 2006, Pluto's relationship status with our Solar System was officially downgraded from "Planet" to "It's complicated." Why? Turns out its fall from grace was astronomy's version of "it's not you; it's me."

    By Mark Lambert Read More
  • Did Ancient Egyptian Tombs Really Contain Booby Traps?

    It's an attractive idea, that the deserts are filled with tombs and lost arks to raid, protected by a series of fun but challenging puzzles. So what's stopping you from renewing your passport, buying a big hat, and bullwhipping your way across ancient Cairo? Get ready for disappointment, adventurer.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More