• What Did Velociraptors Really Look Like?

    It goes without saying that Jurassic Park had to take some liberties, since Velociraptors have been extinct for eons. Still, raptor fans may be disappointed to learn that, from what paleontologists have pieced together, these vicious creatures looked wildly different from their Hollywood portrayal.

    By Nicholas Conley Read More
  • Forgotten Women Who Changed The World

    From the ancient world to the 20th century, there are plenty of women who didn't just kick butt, but changed the world while kicking all those butts. Many of them have been forgotten or overlooked, but all of them deserve to be remembered. Here are some forgotten women who changed the world.

    By Morris M. Read More
  • The Most Underappreciated Women In Science History

    The most famous scientists in history seem to have one thing in common: they're all men. But, the old saying goes, behind every great man is a great woman. A lot of great women playing invaluable roles in scientific breakthroughs. Here are some of the most underappreciated women in science history.

    By DB Kelly Read More
  • The Truth About Why Play-Doh Was Really Created

    Whether you were once a child raised in the Western world or are currently an adult, you're probably familiar with Play-Doh. The rainbow-hued child's modeling compound has been an intrinsic aspect of American youth for about as far back as anyone can remember, but where did it come from? And why?

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • This Man Is The Only Human Buried On The Moon

    In terms of ideal career paths, being an astronaut is one of the coolest jobs you could imagine. NASA accepts around 12 astronauts into its training program every couple years, but there's another way to make it to the moon, and Eugene Shoemaker is proof.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • Times Gladiator Lied To You

    Gladiator is a fictional story about a fictional man living in Ancient Rome, so it gets history a bit incorrect. So just where did Gladiator go wrong?

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • The Reason The Labradoodle Creator Regrets Creating The Dog

    For eons, people have relished in the tales of man's hubris, from the tragedy of Daedelus and Icarus to Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park series. In the late 80s, a guy named Wally bred the world's first Labradoodles and he's been regretting it ever since. Let's dig into why that is.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • Kim Jong-Un Orders Floating Australian Luxury Hotel Destroyed

    Few people would say that floating hotels aren't cool, but as Brisbane Times writes, Kim Jong-un is one of those people. On October 24, 2019, the North Korean leader and hotel hater ordered the removal of Hotel Haegumgang, a former Australian luxury hotel now located in his domain.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • The Dog Breed That Can't Bark

    Dogs love to bark. However, every rule has an exception, and there's an exceptional dog breed that doesn't typically bark at all. Unimaginatively dubbed the "Barkless Dog" that canine anomaly is the Basenji, and according to the American Kennel Club, it yodels.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • Who Was The Richest Egyptian Pharaoh Ever?

    The Bangles made everybody want to walk like an Egyptian, unless that Egyptian was King Tut, who likely "died from a broken leg." Good thing he was rich enough to afford all to be carried for life. But who was the richest Egyptian pharaoh ever?

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • Messed Up Details About Morrissey

    As lead singer for The Smiths, Morrissey was the guy who provided the background for a thousand coming of age tales. Since then, the idol you remember has started spraying a steady stream of manure every time he opens his mouth. Here are some messed up details about Morrissey.

    By Morris M. Read More
  • Crazy Things That Happened To People After Death

    While death sucks for everyone, at least you can be sure that your body will be treated respectfully and laid to rest according to your wishes. Actually, let's just crush that fantasy a little with these stories of posthumous adventure. Here are crazy things that happened to people after death.

    By Becki Robins Read More
  • Who Is The Strongest Woman In The World?

    Even the smallest of women has an innate strength. According to the Indy Star, the current title goes to Jessica Fithen. Having just won the heavyweight division of the Palmer, Alaska-based Strongest Woman in the World contest, we can only assume she puts the "fit" in "Fithen."

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • The Oldest Dog Breed In The World

    It might not be surprising that the oldest references to specific dog breeds come from some of the oldest civilizations we're aware of. According to Guinness World Records, the oldest official dog breed in the world is the saluki, with roots that can be traced all the way back to 329 BC.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • The Messed Up Truth Of Vlad The Impaler

    Vlad the Impaler gained such a reputation for cruelty he's become synonymous with his fav method of execution. Here's the messed up truth of Vlad the Impaler.

    By Benito Cereno Read More
  • U.S. Nuclear Program Finally Flips Off Floppy Disks

    In many ways, nuclear capacity represents the pinnacle of human scientific achievement, which makes it a little weird that up until 2019, the U.S. has been relying on 8-inch floppy disks to control the world's most substantial nuclear arsenal.

    By Jim Dykstra Read More
  • The Real Meaning Of Angel Number 777

    As ThoughtCo observes, "Seven appears to be a universally lucky or holy number." So perhaps it shouldn't come as a surprise that people would see multiple sevens in a row as special. But why is 777 especially special?

    By A. C. Grimes Read More