• Why Is Insulin So Expensive?

    Insulin hasn't always been expensive. In fact, in most places it's quite cheap. So, what gives? What has happened within the last century or so to make diabetics have to ration their insulin and potentially risk their lives? Let's find out!

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • The Messed Up Truth Of Mao Zedong

    Mao Zedong: The Communist revolutionary and founding father of the People's Republic of China. The man who dragged "The Middle Kingdom" kicking and screaming into his particular brand of The Future, which involved plenty of actual kicking and screaming. This the messed up truth of Mao Zedong.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • The Most Extreme Poisoning Cases In History

    Poison has had a major impact on history. It's taken out world leaders, caused massive casualties, and changed government policies. From ancient Rome to 1980s Chicago, here are the most extreme poisoning cases in history.

    By DB Kelly Read More
  • Mt. Vesuvius Eruption 'Turned Man's Brain To Glass'

    Mt. Vesuvius erupted in the year 79 AD, wiping out the towns of Herculaneum and Pompeii as it spilled an estimated 1.5 million tons of volcano bits into the air per second. Apparently, it also turned one man's brain into glass.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • How Many People Died On The Lewis And Clark Expedition?

    The Lewis and Clark expedition! A perilous journey! The road was long, the terrain was treacherous. How many of the men on the Lewis and Clark expedition lost their lives so that we, generations later, would have a passable idea of the shape of Montana?

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • Why Is Healthcare So Expensive?

    Why is it that citizens in the richest country on Earth are charged so much money for not dying that many go broke and even end up living on the streets? Let's take a look at the history and the travesty of American healthcare.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • Trove Of Fossil Feathers Belonged To 'Tiny Polar Dinosaurs'

    It all began in 1961. Well technically, it began in prehistoric Australia 118 million years ago. That's the age of Victoria, Australia's Koonwarra Fossil Bed, which construction workers discovered in 1961. And they found 'tiny polar dinosaurs.'

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • The Real Reason The Book Of Enoch Isn't In The Bible

    Like with most freelance writing projects, the Bible had plenty of excited contributors and a finite amount of space. One of the more conspicuously absent members of the list is the Book of Enoch. So why didn't it make it into the Bible proper?

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • Why Did People Live So Long In The Bible?

    Theologians have been wrestling with this biblical mystery for millennia: why did Old Testament folks live so gosh dang long while we, with all of our scientific advances, struggle to hit the single century mark?

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • What Does The Bible Say About Dinosaurs?

    "In the beginning," the Bible says, "God created the heavens and the Earth." Six days later, we got people, and things mostly got worse. But hold your prehistoric horse ancestors. What about dinosaurs? Where do they fit into the grand design?

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Craziest Stories That Didn't Make It Into The Bible

    Finalizing the biblical canon took a long time, and quite a few books were left on the cutting room floor. Why? Well, a lot of those books were absolutely bonkers. From talking animals to a murderous Jesus, here are the craziest stories that didn’t make it into the Bible.

    By Benito Cereno Read More
  • We Now Understand Why The Inca Empire Crumbled

    The Inca were one of the great civilizations but they're pretty mysterious, too. because they didn't develop a system of writing. That has modern historians scratching their heads, but archaeologists have made major strides in putting together a picture of just how and why the Inca Empire crumbled.

    By DB Kelly Read More
  • How Much Does The Royal Family Actually Cost The UK?

    anuary 2020, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and wife Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, announced that they were distancing themselves from thrones in general, and would work to become "financially independent." But how much are they costing the UK?

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • The Truth About Why Henry VIII Was So Fat

    Iconic monarch. Cornerstone of the English Reformation. Dedicated collector of wife heads and employer of potty buddies ... None of these descriptions can do justice to Henry VIII, at least not so well as this one: dude was fat. Here's why.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About Calico Jack's Death

    Calico Jack. He's well known enough that you've probably heard his name, but the man captained a ship for less than two years, which is around the same amount of time most people work at a sandwich shop after high school. Why did he die so quickly?

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • Mystery Deaths Among Amish People Caused By Genetic Mutation

    While some Amish use public electricity and drive cars, there are certain circumstances in which the social isolation associated with their lifestyle creates more harm than charm -- like a 2020 study that investigated a spate of largely unexplained deaths that plagued two Amish families.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More