• Who Was The Real Man In The Iron Mask?

    Who was the Man in the Iron Mask? What was his crime? Did he really wear a skillet on his face for 30-plus years? Well, the answers to all those questions, in order, are ‘hard to say,’ ‘nobody's sure,’ and ‘probably not.’

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Calmest Dog Breed In The World

    If your dog is calm and collected 24/7, it might be best to check its pulse. That being said, there are certain dog breeds that are significantly less hyper than others. So today's quest to find -- drum roll -- the calmest dog breed in the world.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • The Truth About Nicolas Cage's Pyramid Tomb

    Nicolas Cage is one crazy dude, and he should, of course, have an equally eccentric grave site. Cage's final resting place — an honest-to-God pyramid, which is already perched up in New Orleans' Saint Louis No. 1 Cemetery — does not disappoint. Here's the truth about Nicolas Cage's pyramid tomb.

    By Nicholas Conley Read More
  • How High Was Ted Bundy's IQ?

    Ted Bundy is arguably the most infamous serial killer in the annals of American crime. And if you've ever read or watched anything about him, you probably know he was highly intelligent. But just what was Ted Bundy's actual IQ?

    By Adrian Zupp Read More
  • The Real Reason Your Dog Is Twitching In Its Sleep

    Every dog owner knows about the strange, yet adorable doggy behavior known as sleep twitching. But do we know for sure that dogs actually dream? Hey, looks like we've collectively stumbled onto a mystery! Come, let's take a moment to look at the real reason your dog is twitching in its sleep.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • The True Meaning Behind The Guy Fawkes Mask

    "Remember, remember," theatrically inclined teenagers will tell you, "the fifth of November." Over the last forty years, Guy Fawkes and his grinning visage have occupied an ever-growing corner of the societal hive mind. But here's the true meaning behind the mask.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • Princess Feodora: The Truth About Queen Victoria's Sister

    The royal life isn't for everybody, with its constant demands and unceasing visibility. Some people don't want that. That seems to have been the case with Princess Feodora, who dodged the royal throne by being born to the wrong dad. Here's the truth about Queen Victoria's sister Princess Feodora.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About Genghis Khan's Death

    Genghis Khan was the first Khal Drogo and the fifth horseman of the apocalypse. The seemingly indomitable Mongol conqueror cemented his legacy while raining searing, equine death on the Khwarazm empire in 1219. But even great warriors meet their own end. Here's the truth about Genghis Khan's death.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • Whatever Happened To Janis Joplin's Famous Porsche?

    The last song Janis Joplin ever recorded was about a car. Her voice was the engine powering the a capella masterpiece, "Mercedes Benz." Of course, according to the lyrics, her friends all drove Porsches, and according to reality, so did she. But whatever happened to Janis Joplin's famous Porsche?

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • The Story Behind Margaret Tudor's Secret Marriage

    Margaret Tudor was the daughter of King Henry VII and older sister of King Henry VIII. She was promised in marriage to James IV of Scotland, part of the Treaty of Perpetual Peace between England and Scotland in 1502. But there's more to her story.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • What Happened To People's Late Fees After Blockbuster Closed?

    Late fees, man -- the clawing, creeping, unfortunate fact of the video rental age. But now that the great beast Blockbuster has been bound in the ancient tongue and imprisoned in a strip mall in Bend, Oregon, can we finally rest easy about our late fees?

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The True Meaning Behind The Black Dahlia's Name

    The year is 1947. The Allies have slogged through years of bloody warfare, but in the end emerge triumphant over the powers of the Axis. The boys are home. The world is at peace. Nothin' but good times ahead. Right? Not for Elizabeth Short, also known as "The Black Dahlia."

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • The Disturbing Truth Of Grigori Rasputin's Death

    If tales by his contemporaries are to be believed, Grigori Rasputin was a nigh-unkillable villain with lust in his loins, lunacy in his brain, and evil where his heart should have been. Here's the disturbing truth of his death.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More