• The Truth About Davy Crockett's Wives

    Davy Crockett has been capturing the popular imagination ever since he entered public life as a politician back in the 1820s. But behind every decent man, there is a great woman. Here's the story of Davy Crockett's wives.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • What Daily Life Was Really Like For Henry VIII

    Henry VIII is often remembered in broad brush strokes, because it makes history bite-sized. But by combining a series of details, you can paint an approximation of things Henry might like to do or have to deal with on a regular basis. Here's what daily life was really like for Henry VIII.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • The Truth About Harry Houdini's Greatest Trick

    Harry Houdini lives on as a master of the impossible. But of all of the feats and illusions that Houdini performed, one stood above all others. It was most famously known as the Chinese Water Torture Cell. But how was it done? Here's the truth about Harry Houdini's greatest trick.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About Anastasia Romanov's Death

    Anastasia Romanov, Grand Duchess of Russia, was purportedly executed along with her family during the country's revolution. But then rumors of Anastasia's survival started circulating and more than 20 women claimed to be her. So what happened? Here's the truth about Anastasia Romanov's death.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • Sarcophagus Dedicated To Romulus, Founder Of Rome, Discovered

    Ancient Rome just keeps yielding up exciting finds that shed new light on our understanding of the classical world. Archaeologists have uncovered a shrine dating to 6th Century BCE containing a sarcophagus dedicated to Romulus, the mythological founder of Rome.

    By Zach Lisabeth Read More
  • Ancient 'Big-Butted Warrior' Monolith Unearthed In Scotland

    There's no doubt that thicc butts have been enjoying a moment in popular culture thanks to advocates such as Nicki Minaj and the Kardashian clan. Of course we're not the first society to lavish praise on large posteriors. Thanks to an ancient discovery in Scotland, we have more proof.

    By Robert Balkovich Read More
  • The Truth About Alexander The Great's Three Wives

    Alexander the Great, to the best of anyone's knowledge, was married three times. And while that might seem like a small number of wives for an ancient king, those marriages involved a lot of polygamy and murder.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • What Was Harry Houdini's Net Worth At The Time Of His Death?

    The name Harry Houdini conjures images of an escape artist who was above and beyond everyone else in the business. Which is great, but how much did the gig pay? How much money would he have the ability to amass over a lifetime? What was Harry Houdini's net worth at the time of his death?

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • The Truth About Davy Crockett's Sons

    Davy Crockett was the original American badass. We know quite a bit about him from all the tall tales that followed in his wake, but what about his sons?

    By Zach Lisabeth Read More
  • The Reason Alexander The Great's Army Revolted

    Alexander the Great recognized that rigorous discipline, unity, and uniformity were the lifeblood of his killing machine, aka his massive army. But he would try his troops' patience too much, prompting his remarkable army to mutiny. This is the reason Alexander the Great's army revolted.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • How Dirty Toilet Water Really Is

    The toilet water that helps birth giant sewer fatbergs like the infamous one in London is swimming with the cumulative filth of countless people. But the bowl-emptying woosh in your own home might also be spraying you with liquid icky. Here's how dirty toilet water really is.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • The Truth About Vlad The Impaler's Wife

    Vlad the Impaler was a pretty nasty dude who loved staking people. So what poor woman had to marry this dude? Well, Vlad’s wife was a woman who found herself in a world of intrigue and, obviously, a lot of impaling.

    By Zach Lisabeth Read More
  • The Lavish Palace Henry VIII Called Home

    Henry VIII was King of England. And that meant all of England. Case in point: Hampton Court Palace, probably the most lavish of Henry's numerous residences during his time on the throne.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About Steve Jobs' Last Words Before He Died

    Steve Jobs' legacy was secured as one of the most influential figures of his time when he died in 2011. Since then, there has often been speculation — and outright fabrications — regarding the topic of what Jobs' last words really were. Here's the truth about Steve Jobs' last words before he died.

    By Nicholas Conley Read More
  • How Much Is The Pope's Ring Worth?

    The Vatican has an estimated net worth between 10 and 15 billion dollars. But what could the Pope get for his ring? How much is the Pope's ring worth?

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About The 11-Year-Old Who Invented Popsicles

    If you were to ask most kids to name one of the world's greatest inventions, they'd probably list the Popsicle. Sweet, cold, and such a perfect dessert for kids that they could've been designed by one, and in fact, they were.

    By Nicholas Conley Read More
  • What Is Ted Bundy's Ex-Girlfriend Doing Today?

    It's difficult to imagine what it would be like finding out that the person you trusted most in the world has been hiding a dangerous secret for your entire relationship. But that's the reality that faced Elizabeth Kloeper over a series of horrific reveals throughout the 1970s.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • What Al Capone's Prison Life Was Really Like

    For a long time, Al Capone seemed untouchable. But eventually, the mobster found himself behind bars. So what was life like for Capone in prison? It was incredibly easy ... until he found himself in Alcatraz.

    By A. C. Grimes Read More