• The Real Reason Florence Nightingale Never Got Married

    You'd think that being directly responsible for saving thousands of lives, of amassing and analyzing data that contributed to massive improvements in sanitation and health care, and honored by Queen Victoria herself would be enough. But no. Florence Nightingale never married.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • The Bombings Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki Were Worse Than You Thought

    An atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, instantly killing 80,000 people, and days later on Nagasaki, killing another 40,000. Thousands would die from radiation sickness. But that's just the beginning. Here's why the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were worse than you thought.

    By DB Kelly Read More
  • The Real Reason Airports Are Always Carpeted

    If you take a moment to look around you in the short period of relative comfort before takeoff and after landing at an airport, you might notice a peculiar thing: The entire gate area is carpeted. Here's why.

    By Pauli Poisuo Read More
  • The Surprising Place Where Henry VIII Is Buried

    Henry VII, the Tudor monarch who gave us Henry VIII and all of the drama and spectacle attached thereunto, is among the monarchs whose mortal remains grace the interior of Westminster. What about his son, the VII?

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • The Real Reason Henry VIII Executed Thomas Cromwell

    In 1540, Henry VIII gave his primary advisor, Thomas Cromwell, the axe. Well, technically the executioner gave him the axe, but the point still holds. Citing a dubious "contemporary" source, Arthur Galton describes an "ungodly" affair in which the executioner hacked at Cromwell's neck for ...

    By A. C. Grimes Read More
  • Who Were The Oldest Presidents?

    While 35 is the minimum age to run for president of the United States, there's no maximum. Here are the oldest presidents throughout history.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About Bill Gates's Mug Shot

    Bill Gates is one of those modern-day legends. Love him or not, admire him or not, the guy has an impressive string of accomplishments on his resume, going back to high school ... including a nice mugshot.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • The Truth About Elon Musk's Favorite Plane, The SR-71

    If the X-Men say it's cool, and if Mr. SpaceX/Tesla Motors himself, Elon Musk, says it's cool, then it has to be very cool indeed. And indeed it is: It's the SR-71, sometimes referred to as the Blackbird, adapted (quite radically) for toting mutants to battle evil on behalf of all of us.

    By Eric Meisfjord Read More
  • Why Are Patek Philippe Watches So Expensive?

    Watches complete a wardrobe, and make a statement. The Swiss brand Patek Philippe, for instance, has been around for decades, is highly regarded, and has made some of the costliest watches ever sold.

    By Emilia David Read More
  • The Messed Up Truth About Hugo Chavez

    There are few modern political figures quite as polarizing as Hugo Chávez. Venezuela hasn't been doing so well lately. Here's the truth about Hugo Chavez.

    By Kate Hakala Read More
  • The Reason Henry VIII Nearly Executed Catherine Parr

    Henry VIII is best remembered for one pastime: finding new ways to call mulligan on his panoply of marriages. His last wife was Catherine Parr, who came within spitting distance of being another notch on the king's beheading stump. This is the reason Henry VIII nearly executed Catherine Parr.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • Whatever Happened To Baby Jessica?

    Baby Jessica became famous on October 14th, 1987. The world got its first taste of binge-worthy cable news child endangerment when 18-month-old Jessica McClure fell down a 22-foot well in Midland, Texas and stayed there for 58 hours. She was eventually rescued. So whatever happened to Baby Jessica?

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More
  • The Troubled History Of The Hells Angels

    When you think of "outlaw bikers," you most likely think of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. But there have been a lot of tragic twists and turns in troubled history of the Hells Angels.

    By Jeff Somers Read More
  • Why Are Porsches So Expensive?

    Porsches are a brand indelibly connected with luxury, and the price points of their cars reflect that, regardless of whether they're vintage or fresh off the lot. But how did they get to such an elevated status?

    By Emilia David Read More
  • Did Camelot Actually Exist?

    Camelot. Few names in the public domain evoke the same reaction in the imaginations of the young at heart, nor the same public displays of musical number memorization from British comedy nerds. More than just a place, it represented an ideal: The best and noblest of man's potential, turned real.

    By Tom Meisfjord Read More