A Look At Dorothea Puente's Relationship With Everson Gillmouth
Everson Gillmouth's relationship with serial killer Dorothea Puente ended the way too many of hers did: with him dead.
Read MoreEverson Gillmouth's relationship with serial killer Dorothea Puente ended the way too many of hers did: with him dead.
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Read MoreWhile most of the focus of the French and Indian War was around present-day Canada, one event built the foundation of the Louisiana we know today.
Read MoreIn the case of the so-called I-70 Killer, who was active in the spring of 1992, all of his victims fit a specific profile, with one exception.
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Read MoreIt's said that Ponce de Leon found himself in Florida, where he fruitlessly searched for the Fountain of Youth before being mortally wounded by a native arrow.
Read MoreIt's fitting that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the greatest composers of all time, would have a bird -- specifically, a starling -- as a pet.
Read MoreAtop the remains were often masks that covered the faces of the dead, a practice seen from the Middle Kingdom all the way until the 1st century CE in Egypt.
Read MoreLab leaks do happen. Truly heinous pathogens and poxes have escaped from research facilities and government institutions in countries all over the world.
Read MoreThe duties of the president carry varying degrees of importance, but none is more important than the care of the codes to launch a nuclear missile strike.
Read MorePrison is a living hell, but in many cases it was much worse in the distant past. Here's what it was like for prisoners in ancient Rome.
Read MoreThe changes that came with the Second Industrial Revolution radically altered the daily life of working people, and not always for the better.
Read MoreMarco Polo claimed to hear strange voices during his journey through Asia. Whose voices were these, what effect did they have on other travelers?
Read MoreDespite its focus on the future, many of the fair's buildings didn't last much past the end of the event, as they were designed to be temporary. But not all.
Read MoreAfter the war, friends and relatives called Anne's diary "an important human document" and encouraged her father, Otto Frank, to submit it for publication.
Read MoreIn March 1969, a Chicago grand jury indicted eight men for conspiracy of crossing state lines to incite a riot at the Democratic National Convention.
Read MoreAround 1828, William Burke and William Hare would work together to become the world's most famous body snatchers and two of Scotland's most notorious killers.
Read MoreThe name Stonewall is a reminder of the struggles queer ancestors went through in their fight for basic human rights and tolerance in American society.
Read MoreThe World's Fair buildings were meant to be temporary structures that came down at the end of the exposition. There are still two buildings that are preserved.
Read MoreCharles Dickens pursued the dream woman he'd met in his youth for decades until they met again in person — a reunion that didn't go as Dickens anticipated.
Read MoreYou might remember studying Juan Ponce de León in grammar school -- he's the one who explored Mexico and Florida in the 16th century for Spain.
Read MoreIn the weeks surrounding the August 1968 Democratic National Convention, Chicago, Illinois, became the epicenter of several contentious demonstrations.
Read MoreMany people, both soldiers and civilians, stood up against Hitler. These WWII legends were the Nazis' worst nightmare.
Read More17,000 Cherokee were forced to make the long walk west following the Indian Removal Act of 1830 — an arduous journey that called for strength and inspiration.
Read MoreOnce featured in Netflix's "Mindhunter" series, Richard Speck was a murderer notorious for killing eight student nurses in 1966.
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