The Mythology Of Artemis Explained
Artemis was an incredibly popular goddess in ancient Greece, especially in rural and agricultural communities. This is the mythology of Artemis explained.
Read MoreArtemis was an incredibly popular goddess in ancient Greece, especially in rural and agricultural communities. This is the mythology of Artemis explained.
Read MoreEveryone under the sun knows that Chicago is often called the Windy City. What not everybody knows is why.
Read MoreAlthough many take responsibility for Pablo Escobar's death, the exact details still remain a mystery. Here's everything we know about it so far.
Read MoreIt's a common axiom that when a person votes for the president of the United States, they're also voting for the future of the Supreme Court.
Read MoreBack in the third century B.C., the ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote about the rise and fall of the mythical city of Atlantis.
Read MoreFor a small subset of Christians, there's a companion book that is as much a part of their doctrine as the Bible itself: the Book of Mormon.
Read MoreThe electric chair was meant to humanize executions. Here's the tragic event that inspired the invention of the now notorious contraption.
Read MoreThe first printing press came to Colonial America in 1638, and print workers during this era were as pivotal to communication as today's media outlets are.
Read MoreOne of the most important figures in human history is Jesus Christ, and for 2,000 years, just about everybody who has said his name has pronounced it wrong.
Read MoreThe meanings of nursery rhymes are often twisted or forgotten, creating a weird contrast of happy little children singing songs about deadly tragedies.
Read MoreHumans, being imperfect, sometimes bungle whatever it is they are trying to accomplish, and Red Bull's management has been no exception.
Read MoreThe brazen bull originates in Akragas, an ancient Greek colony on the coast of Sicily, where it was created to satisfy the city's tyrant, Phalaris.
Read MoreAmong the Titanic survivors was Charles Lightoller, the oldest crew member to survive the tragedy and a witness during the American and British inquiries.
Read MoreNazi leader and German dictator, Adolf Hitler, committed suicide on April 30, 1945, by shooting himself in a Berlin bunker as the Allies were closing in.
Read MoreThe contents of a 2019 report on the horrors of the CIA torture program revealed that the "enhanced interrogations" were even more brutal than we thought.
Read MorePlato boiled moral thought and action down to four foundational characteristics that everyone should strive for: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
Read MoreAustralia has a folk hero who bears several similarities to America's Jesse James: Ned Kelly, an outlaw who lived from 1855 until 1880.
Read MoreWhat would have happened if former President Abraham Lincoln survived his assassination and the United States did not plunge into mourning?
Read MoreAs it was often necessary for CIA operatives to secretly communicate with one another, the agency developed a variety of codes for public information exchange.
Read MoreWhen Rome was just a growing city, another force was dominating the shores of the Mediterranean: the Phoenicians, with their powerful city-state of Carthage.
Read MoreIn medieval times, various torture devices were used as punishments or to get confessions from prisoners. The heretic's fork is one such device.
Read MoreWhile the Holocaust and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are widely discussed and taught in schools, the Nanking Massacre is less well-known.
Read MoreThe books of the Bible range in length from a few paragraphs to dozens of pages and were written in different languages at different times in history.
Read MoreDid you know the human brain is so fragile that entire social structures can collapse, giving way to a phenomenon known as mass psychosis or mass hysteria?
Read MoreJenner decided to pursue decathlon athletics -- a competition that includes a variety of track events. This would earn her a chance to compete in the Olympics.
Read MoreWhen workers at the Philadelphia Transportation Company went on strike in 1944, they weren't protesting low wages but the promotion of Black coworkers.
Read MoreJesus is both a religious figure and a rea, historical person from the first century. This is the untold truth of Jesus.
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