Things About Angels In The Bible You May Not Know
The truth of angels as told in Christian and Jewish scriptures is surprising. These are a few of the things about angels in the Bible that you may not know.
Read MoreThe truth of angels as told in Christian and Jewish scriptures is surprising. These are a few of the things about angels in the Bible that you may not know.
Read MoreSpanish dictator Francisco Franco died an old man in 1975. As with other dead dictators, people were divided about what to do with his body.
Read MoreA ruler for 40 years, many people know of David from the famous Bible story of how he killed Goliath. But what does he look like?
Read MoreBefore Mary Bowes could walk down the aisle with her soon-to-be second husband -- the father of her unborn child -- Andrew Stoney came into the picture.
Read MoreBorn in 1893, Mao Zedong was a communist leader and founder of the People's Republic of China. Although revered by many, his legacy is complicated.
Read MoreThe story of Héloïse and Abelard, although renowned throughout the ages, is a tale that does not have a happy ending, for either protagonist.
Read MoreAbigail is one of the seven female prophets in the Hebrew Bible, along with Sarah, Deborah, Miriam, Hannah, Esther, and Huldah.
Read MoreThe Bible continues to be an influential and controversial text. So it's no surprise there are common misconceptions of its material.
Read MoreThe Yellow River is one of the most well-known and frequently visited rivers in China, but nearly 150 years ago, it was the source of a deadly disaster.
Read MoreEdison invented a machine called the kinetophone that would allow users to see a "movie" and hear a soundtrack. The entire setup was awkward and clunky.
Read MoreAlthough the Nazi regime primarily targeted Jews in their Final Solution, history often forgets the other victims of the Holocaust.
Read MoreBorn in 1542 and beheaded in 1587, Mary Queen of Scots -- Mary Stuart -- lived a disastrous, dramatic, and ultimately tragic life.
Read MoreMillions of Americans can tell you exactly where they were and what they were doing the day U.S. President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed by an assassin.
Read MoreIvan the Terrible was Russia's first czar and Grand Prince of Moscow. He ruled the country from 1533 until 1584 and was succeeded by his only living son.
Read MorePeople of faith around the world rely on the Bible for their faith, doctrine and practice. And in the Bible, there is little to no ambiguity about "magic."
Read MoreThe rivalry between Jimmy Hoffa and Robert Kennedy is still legendary. And when they faced off in court, the results were often dramatic.
Read MoreFor two thousand years, Christians have been practicing a rite known as baptism. For some Christians, that means sprinkling water on the person being baptized.
Read MoreNo person, alive or dead, is as synonymous with science and intelligence as German-born physicist and inventor Albert Einstein.
Read MoreHistory is filled with the names of traitors — men or women who turned on their own people and aided their countries' enemies.
Read MoreYou've probably heard something about the mythical lost city of Atlantis ╫ an ancient, highly advanced civilization that (allegedly) sank into the sea long ago.
Read MoreAlexander Graham Bell entered history as one of the greatest inventors in the world. But he also has some failures on his record.
Read MoreA quick online search for something like "Krav Maga fight" reveals videos of something that, on the surface, might look like simple, brutal street brawling.
Read MoreIn 1607, 104 English men arrived in North America to start what would be the first permanent English settlement in the New World in Jamestown, Virginia.
Read MoreAs Christianity gained a following in Japan, feudal lords were wary of what they perceived as an imperialistic threat, and began to persecute believers.
Read MoreOfficially, the popes were all men, but the medieval legend of Pope Joan claims there was an exception in the 9th Century when a woman became pope.
Read MoreJesus wasn't the only person to die by crucifixion. Here's a look at how crucifixion began, its rise and fall in popularity, and its use in the present day.
Read MoreWhile there might not be as many stories about Cronos as there are about his famous offspring, there's still a whole long narrative that he's pretty central to.
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