How Nicolaus Copernicus Became A Doctor Without Getting A Degree
Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus is a titan of astronomy, largely thanks to his pioneering the theory that the Sun sits at the center of the solar system.
Read MorePolish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus is a titan of astronomy, largely thanks to his pioneering the theory that the Sun sits at the center of the solar system.
Read MoreAristotle believed in teaching the important subjects — logic, physics, rhetoric, politics, and philosophy — so much he opened his open school in Athens.
Read MoreBritish highwayman Richard "Dick" Turpin roamed the English countryside in the 1700s, robbing people and stealing horses until he was executed in 1739.
Read MoreIn recent years, Vietnam has seen its fair share of deadly storms, and they've lost thousands of citizens, but nothing like the 1881 Haiphong typhoon.
Read MoreNo ancient descriptions of Atlantis are known to exist independently of Plato's work, which describes Atlantis as an expansive and indulgent continental empire.
Read MoreDuring the war, both the Allies and Axis developed munitions that were remotely guided by radio, wire, and television in order to strike specific targets.
Read MoreThe perplexing case of Billy Milligan is one in which the story of the reported perpetrator of violent crimes overshadows the victims of those crimes.
Read MoreWhat really happened during the 2001 anthrax attacks? And who was the culprit? This is the story of what really happened during the 2001 anthrax attacks.
Read MoreGabriel Fernandez was only 8 when he died at the hands of his mother, Pearl, and her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre. This was no average case of child abuse.
Read MoreWhatever happened to the baby in the Roe v. Wade case? The landmark 7-2 decision legalized abortion in the United States when it was rendered. Now we know.
Read MoreThe Aztecs were a Nahuatl-speaking civilization that dominated Mesoamerica for about two centuries until the arrival and subsequent conquest of the Spaniards.
Read MoreChilean dictator Augusto Pinochet died before he could be tried for crimes against humanity. This is what happened to his corpse when it was sent back to Chile.
Read MoreKurt Warner went from working at a grocery store while playing semi-professional football to keep his dream alive to playing in the NFL.
Read MoreThe Vestal Virgins wielded tremendous influence in Rome. Here's why this group of women was so important and why they had so much power in ancient times.
Read MoreTraveling the world can be a wonderful experience, but not all destinations are created equal. Here are the most dangerous countries in the world.
Read MoreThe decade before this infamous quake, an even more formidable one devastated a Chinese city. Here's the terrible tale of the Tangshan earthquake of 1976.
Read MoreKamran Loghman invented weapons-grade pepper spray in the 1980s, but law enforcement officials have gone on to use it in a way that he disagrees with.
Read MoreChristianity is the largest faith in the world. Out of the approximately 8 billion humans living on this Earth, over 2 billion call themselves Christian.
Read MoreIn the midst of the excitement surrounding the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago, an experienced killer was collecting victims. He didn't get away scot-free, though.
Read MoreGiven the presence of male and female symbolic objects they were buried with, it's possible that this centuries-old warrior may have identified as non-binary.
Read MoreWe all know Galileo Galilei and learned in school about his contributions to astronomy, math, and science. He changed the way people thought about those fields.
Read MoreThe notorious serial killer Ted Bundy ultimately confessed to killing 36 young women in the 1970s, though it's possible his victims number in the hundreds.
Read MoreSo what do these two greats, Shakespeare and the KJB, have to do with each other? Some people seem to believe they're interconnected, with clues as proof.
Read MoreWhile it's not known for sure all of the ways our ancient ancestors used the cannabis sativa they cultivated, what is known is where it was first domesticated.
Read MoreWhen taking conditions like height, oxygen, and frostbite into account, thrill-seeking climbers have about a one in 100 chance of dying on Mount Everest.
Read MoreThere are still many hikes around the world where safety does not seem to be the number one concern. Here are some of the most dangerous hikes around the world.
Read MoreArchbasilica of St. John Lateran, built in the early fourth century, is the oldest basilica in the Western world.
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