Did The CIA Really Bug Princess Diana's Phone On The Night She Died?
Conspiracy theories about the death of Princess Diana abound. One states that the CIA had bugged her phone and was watching her every move up until her last.
Read MoreConspiracy theories about the death of Princess Diana abound. One states that the CIA had bugged her phone and was watching her every move up until her last.
Read MoreThe FBI has been responsible for the deaths of countless people since its inception, including noted Black activist Fred Hampton.
Read MoreNew weapon: Stuxnet was dubbed the world's first digital weapon because it physically destroys its targets instead of just harvesting data from its targets.
Read MoreIn mid-August 2021, a boat went on a journey in Egypt. Normally this wouldn't be of interest to anyone, but this wasn't a typical journey — or a typical boat.
Read MoreWhen Nikolai II took the throne as the last czar of Russia in 1894 and married Alexandra Feodorovna, he also brought additional trouble to the House of Romanov.
Read MoreMonsignor Hugh O'Flaherty was an Irish priest who helped Jewish people and prisoners of war when Nazis invaded Italy in World War II.
Read MoreMeriwether Lewis served as Thomas Jefferson's personal secretary before embarking on the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Read MoreAs Earth's highest mountain at 29,035 feet above sea level, Mount Everest has been attracting daring climbers, adventurers, and dreamers for decades.
Read MoreThe Crucifixion of Jesus is one of the most significant events in history, but it also raises many questions. Here's the Crucifixion of Jesus explained.
Read MoreThat the economic fabric of this country was, for centuries, tied to slave labor hardly needs explaining. Further, many of the founding fathers owned slaves.
Read MoreLet's take a look at how Saddam Hussein, the fifth president of Iraq, stole a ridiculous amount of money from his own country's central bank.
Read MoreWith fellow Beats such as Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs roamed the bars and coffeehouses of New York City's Greenwich Village in the mid-20th century.
Read MoreHuman rights organizations and former detainees have provided a look inside some of the facilities and information about the prisoners' lives at Guantanamo Bay.
Read MoreHad the outcome of Jackie Robinson's court-martial been different, the baseball world might never have known one of its greatest players ever.
Read MoreSadly, addiction is an issue that's been around since the beginning of time -- even the Bible has more than a few words to say on the matter.
Read MoreQueen Elizabeth I survived smallpox, but her face was left permanently scarred. Devastated, she began to layer the makeup on to hide the ravages of the disease.
Read MoreGrange halls served as community centers within rural towns, but their main purpose was to provide a meeting house for the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry.
Read MoreHere in the United States, there are suicide prevention hotlines and crisis centers, and helpful websites abound. But what does the Bible say?
Read MoreFour-and-a-half centuries after he died, the scientist, linguist, and economist Nicolaus Copernicus is mostly known for his work in astronomy.
Read MoreHagar was an Egyptian servant who carried a child, Ishmael, for Abraham and Sarah when the couple couldn't conceive.
Read MoreFrom the early days of the Jewish exile in Babylon to more modern occult practices, this is the history of archangels explained.
Read MoreEven though it only operated for a few decades, there is perhaps no federal prison more notorious in history than Alcatraz, the "escape-proof" fortified island.
Read MoreFans of infamous mob boss Al Capone may be distressed to learn that the Miami mansion where Capone spent the last years of his life will soon be demolished.
Read MoreEvolution works in interesting ways. And it often happens through natural selection, which is responsible for both impressive and terrible developments.
Read MoreWhile World War I was bad, World War II eventually became the deadliest conflict in history. It was also the most expensive war ever fought.
Read MoreWho among us hasn't suffered through a long, hot summer day and wished a pool would magically appear? It may seem like a dream, but there were once swimmobiles.
Read MoreAristotle was not known for his sense of romance and courtship and his views on women were dim, to say the least, and saw men as the superior to women.
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