Here's Why The US Military Once Burned Bibles
There was a time in recent history -- 2009 -- when the U.S. military carried out a massive book burning of Bibles in Afghanistan.
Read MoreThere was a time in recent history -- 2009 -- when the U.S. military carried out a massive book burning of Bibles in Afghanistan.
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Read MoreThe Black Death of the 14th century remains one of the most notorious and deadly outbreaks ever. Over 20 million were killed as it rampaged through Europe.
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Read MoreWhether you've been on the internet since its inception, or even if you don't use the internet at all, you've definitely seen the at symbol.
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Read MoreChristopher Marlowe is remembered today as an Elizabethan poet and dramatist, but he may have taken on a different role away from the theater.
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Read MoreIn the past, many scientists were also theists, and for centuries worked with the belief that their investigations cast greater light on God's creation.
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