How Rice Once Led To A War
A starving person will do anything for food, so it's no surprise that widespread famine will fester into war and violence as the desperate fight for food.
Read MoreA starving person will do anything for food, so it's no surprise that widespread famine will fester into war and violence as the desperate fight for food.
Read MoreCome to find out Disney accomplished what should have been the crime of the century: He kidnapped the vice president of the United States and got away with it.
Read MoreNew Jersey's Grover Cleveland is most well-known for being the only president to serve non-consecutive terms, but he also holds another record.
Read MoreAmong the many volunteers who were ready to give their lives to the army was John Clem, an Ohio native who first tried to join at the age of just 9 years old.
Read MoreBenjamin Franklin and John Adams are among the most well-known figures in American politics. Here's the reason why they once shared a bed.
Read MoreWhen it comes to the best-selling book of this or any other year since we've been keeping track, it's actually a rather difficult thing to nail down for sure.
Read MoreIn the Bible, many prophets, or in this particular case, a prophetess played a role in spreading God's word and being a messenger.
Read MoreThe NES very nearly didn't happen. In fact, the only reason the NES happened is because of grit mixed with ingenious design and marketing.
Read MoreAs it sometimes took several attempts to behead someone with a sword, the French guillotine was created in 1789 by Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin.
Read MoreFamed inventor Samuel Morse started out as a painter, but a personal tragedy drove him to create one of the most revolutionary communication devices of his day.
Read MoreBorn in 1743, Thomas Jefferson was known for his many accomplishments. Here's the surprising connection between his wife and mistress.
Read MoreChristianity has been around for 2,000 years, and in that time, the religion has split into some 45,000 different denominations.
Read MoreHo Chi Minh, the guerilla leader and future president of North Vietnam, was born Nguyen Sinh Cung on May 19, 1890.
Read MoreMany people have a favorite place where they want their ashes scattered after they die. For film critic Archer Winsten, that place was Hunter Mountain.
Read MoreGenghis Khan would eventually become known as one of the bloodiest warriors of all time and the first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire.
Read MoreIn January 1870, Pulitzer was elected as a representative of St. Louis' Fifth District. In this role, he had the chance to vote in favor of the 15th Amendment,
Read MoreOver the centuries of American history, there have certainly been presidents who secretly or not-so-secretly disliked each other.
Read MoreIt's possible that the best known of all the angels is the archangel Gabriel, but he only pops up twice in the Hebrew Bible and twice in the New Testament.
Read MoreUnfortunately for the Pilgrims, a beer shortage set into motion a series of events that ended with over half of the passengers on the Mayflower dying.
Read MoreIn Norse mythology, Hela is honored both as Loki's daughter and as a goddess of death in her own right. Here's the mythology of Hela explained.
Read MoreNotorious outlaw Robert Leroy Parker changed his names a few times before settling on Butch Cassidy.
Read MorePresident Zachary Taylor was in office for only 16 months before his unexpected death.
Read MoreHaving taken to mechanics at an early age, 15-year-old Bombardier created a primitive snowmobile by attaching an engine-powered propeller to two wooden sleds.
Read MoreThe Bear River Massacre in 1863 was without equal in American history, leaving over 200 Shoshone Indians dead.
Read MoreAs you stand on the sidelines cheering on the death of the mall, though, you might be surprised by who's joining you there: the ghost of Victor Gruen,
Read MoreAmerica has had few traitors as well known as General Benedict Arnold, whose actions were so despised that he was considered the embodiment of betrayal.
Read MoreHer marriage to Prince Charles was just one of the many problems Princess Diana had to cope with. This is the tragic real-life story of Princess Diana.
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