The Real Reason Samson's Hair Was The Source Of His Strength
One of the more colorful characters in the Old Testament is Samson, who is sometimes mentioned in the context of his relationship with Delilah.
Read MoreOne of the more colorful characters in the Old Testament is Samson, who is sometimes mentioned in the context of his relationship with Delilah.
Read MoreThey say that dogs are man's best friend, and this truth became particularly evident in the way that dogs were used during World War I.
Read MoreAlbert Fish, known as both "The Gray Man" and the "Werewolf of Wisteria," was arrested for the murder of young Grace Budd on December 13, 1934.
Read MoreTubman's last rescue happened in 1861, in the early months of the Civil War. Knowing her way around the South, she became a valuable asset to the Union Army.
Read MoreThe ocean is the one of the last places on our planet yet to be fully explored, and many mysteries lie waiting in the dark waters of the deep sea.
Read MoreExperiencing the Statue of Liberty requires good sneakers. You will climb 215 steps to get to the top of the pedestal, then 162 more to the top of the crown.
Read MoreFinland has a special relationship with metal music. In fact, it's got more metal offerings per person than any other country in the world.
Read MoreBald eagles are virtually synonymous with America in culture and government insignia and remain a protected species long after their wild population recovered.
Read MoreIsaac Newton will forever be considered an iconic physicist, the British genius who penned the revered "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" in 1687.
Read MoreGangs and organized crime have had a huge influence in the development of the modern world's major cities, but some gangs made their mark in ages past.
Read MoreThe publication known as the Bay Psalm Book is an important title in American history, recognized as the first book printed in the British colonies.
Read MoreIn the course of America's 46 presidencies, most have ended fairly normally, with the commander-in-chief either being reelected or stepping down.
Read MoreIf the man in this cover photo doesn't ring a bell, you might not be too familiar with the history of the cellphone you're likely using to read this article.
Read MorePresident Andrew Jackson had a really short temper and liked to resolve his disputes with a pistol. He may have been involved in up to 100 duels.
Read MoreThe idea of waiting in purgatory became what one of the oldest religions — Catholicism — believed was part of the afterlife experience for some.
Read MoreJ. Edgar Hoover headed up the Federal Bureau of Investigations for 48 years, but he spent his final years under intense scrutiny for the way he ran the agency.
Read MoreContrary to what many believe, Richard Nixon was not one of the three U.S. presidents in history to be impeached, but was the only one to resign.
Read MoreBut did Buffalo Bill Cody really work as a rider for the Pony Express, or was this just a way to make his storytelling more exciting for paying customers?
Read MoreWhen it comes to sussing out the first European to land in the Western Hemisphere, there is an unlikely possibility it was an Irish monk.
Read MoreThe Ten Commandments are a sort of summary of the hundreds of other laws, regulations, and mandates given by God to the Israelites.
Read MoreIn World War I, Winston Churchill's reputation was, among other things, tainted by a far less flattering demonstration of his capabilities.
Read MoreThe Nazi army studied and trained in ways similar to the other armed forces in the world, but it turns out they also did something very differently.
Read MoreAnwar Sadat was born on Christmas Day in 1918 as Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat in a British occupied Egypt, becoming president of the nation in 1970.
Read MoreWhile Churchill's reputation as a statesman is well-documented, his attitude toward UFOs — including a giant coverup of a sighting — is less well known.
Read MoreThe Nordic goddess Freya mostly appears in the Icelandic sagas. She is the goddess of love, beauty, and war, among other things.
Read MoreDecades ago in a medieval cemetery, a 1,000-year-old skeleton of a nun was discovered. This finding would completely change how medieval nuns are viewed.
Read MoreAccording to their main website, there are nearly 8.7 million practicing Jehovah's Witnesses around the world, and they are present in more than 240 countries.
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