Whatever Happened To Freddie Mercury's Famous Yellow Jacket?
Freddie Mercury's iconic yellow jacket was sold at an auction in 2004.
Read MoreFreddie Mercury's iconic yellow jacket was sold at an auction in 2004.
Read MoreMany common nursery rhymes have in recent years have been tied to suspected, and often dark, historical origins. "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary" is one example.
Read MoreThe Gold Rush of the mid-19th century literally put California on the map, leading to its statehood in 1850, decades before Arizona or New Mexico.
Read MoreWhen it comes to celebrating the biggest religious, cultural, and retail holiday in America -- Christmas -- the Amish are all about it.
Read MoreThe Bible is unquestionably influential. There is one other fact about the Bible that is almost impossible to contest: It is pretty much dominated by men.
Read MoreCahokia, a massive city of up to 20,000 in what is now Illinois, was the largest of these, as well as a center of trade and — occasionally — human sacrifice.
Read MoreFor decades, polio was one of the most feared childhood diseases in the world, even in a wealthy, developed, First-World nation like the United States.
Read MoreAt the time of the rule of Mansa Musa, the Mali Empire, located in West Africa, was incredibly prosperous thanks to its natural resources of salt and gold.
Read MoreThe figure of Lilith is sometimes referred to as "Adam's first wife," as in Adam, the Biblical figure who was the first human being created by God.
Read MoreSwedish Prime Minister Olof Palme's assassination had remained unsolved for more than three decades after his death until a new suspect emerged a few years ago.
Read MoreThe era of digital cable television, "Friends," and the Spice Girls left an indelible mark on society. Here are some items from the 1990s you don't see anymore.
Read MoreThe U.S. was at war in Afghanistan with the Taliban for 20 years before abruptly pulling out of the country last August. It was a messy withdrawal.
Read MoreBible smugglers have been beaten, jailed, and shot, and yet several organizations continue their work today. This is the crazy history of Bible smuggling
Read MoreFirearms experts must follow protocols and safety procedures when using weapons on a film set.
Read MoreDespite there being more awareness regarding the number of homeless vets — including federal and other special programs -- the numbers just keep increasing.
Read MoreThe 1980s were iconic in terms of fashion and design. Here are some popular things from the 1980s you don't see anymore
Read MoreIt was a cold, snowy, blustery evening when Northwest Airlines flight 823 took off on February 1, 1957, from La Guardia Airport in New York after a long delay.
Read MoreBezos' acquisition of the choicest of land and sky is in overdrive, with an estimated real estate portfolio worth in the area of $500 million to $1 billion.
Read MoreThe history of medicine is filled with shocking, off-base, and sometimes disgusting techniques used by medical practitioners in attempts to heal the human body.
Read MoreNearly everyone ordered to die via federal court has been a male. In fact, only three women have been executed by this level of government since 1927.
Read MoreThroughout the Cold War, the CIA reportedly conducted a vast array of spying and assassination missions in order to protect American interests.
Read MoreHe began having an affair with Julia Stott and they conspired to kill her husband for insurance money. His death by poison caught the attention of the police.
Read MoreMick Fleetwood had noticed Lindsey Buckingham's guitar prowess and songwriting skills and tapped him to be the new guitarist for Fleetwood Mac.
Read MoreThree little letters can make a whole world of difference, as a Bible publisher discovered in 1631 that omitting one word encouraged the devout to sin.
Read MoreSometimes circumstances are incredibly shady, and sometimes, they're never seen or heard from again ... like these super-rich people who just sort of vanished.
Read MoreThe Watergate scandal was a blow to the public's confidence in the U.S. presidency, showing the nation how corruption could affect average individuals.
Read MoreSince a new pope is such a big deal, the Catholic Church is bound to take the decision seriously, and accompany it with a fair amount of pomp and ceremony.
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