The Real Reason We Say 'Bury The Hatchet'
Native Americans used to literally bury hatchets to make peace with other tribes.
Read MoreNative Americans used to literally bury hatchets to make peace with other tribes.
Read MoreThe first roller coaster in the United States opened in 1884 at Coney Island.
Read MoreJames Earl Ray, confessed assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., spent decades behind bars. He wasn't considered troublesome -- except when he was escaping.
Read MoreRasputin exerted intense emotional power over the Russian royal family before the Bolshevik revolution. What were the consequences after his murder?
Read MoreEverybody knows that the Middle Ages were a filthy, germy period in human history, with waste everywhere and not a bathtub to be had. Actually, maybe not.
Read MoreCivilizations rise and civilizations fall, some faster and more completely than others. When it comes to ancient history, the question arises: Why?
Read MoreIntelligence is important, especially when you're running a country. We all hope the presidents are bright. Nevertheless, were some smarter than others?
Read MoreThe compounded tragedy that is the Salem witch trials leave us scratching our modern-day heads. How could such a thing come about? More importantly, why?
Read MoreTalk about diving into history: An amateur scuba enthusiast recently recovered a sword believed to date back to the Crusades -- 900 years, by some estimates.
Read MoreDefenders of the president will often state that the chief executive is "a lot smarter than you think." Now, research has determined past presidents' IQ scores.
Read MoreContempt of Congress is a charge that's leveled from time to time. Like lots of things rooted in government, it's more than just cut-and-dried.
Read MoreThey're ugly and there are way too many of them. We all can't stand billboards, but we're used to them. But residents of these states never have to see them.
Read MoreA group of researchers are applying hard science to discover the truths of Viking sagas about exploration and settlement in North America 1,000 years ago.
Read MoreCarolina were fraught with peril as an early frontier of the American colonies. Why did the colony get split into two pieces?
Read MorePart of the allure of presidential history resides in the homespun and, sometimes surprising ways they entered this world.
Read MoreHow does that old song go? This land is your land, this land is my land. Chances are the land you're on could actually be the federal government's land.
Read MoreHigh mortality during medieval times meant there were a lot of dead people, who were thought to be dangerous to the living.
Read MoreIn 1994, football player and actor O.J. Simpson was accused and put on trial for murder. One person involved in the trial had a connection to DeLorean cars.
Read MoreOne really reviled person was Pharaoh Akhenaten, Queen Nefertiti's husband and the father of Tutenenkhamun, who ruled over ancient Egypt from 1353 to 1336 B.C.
Read MoreIn one state in particular, though — North Dakota — there are no national or regional pharmacy chains, save one: CVS Pharmacy and Thrifty White Drug.
Read MoreShips sink, ships get lost, or break apart in storms. And in a few cases throughout history, the fate of the voyage has turned out to be an enduring mystery.
Read MoreOne of the most recognizable jewelry collections in the world are the British crown jewels. Their monetary value is hard to estimate, but many have tried.
Read MoreThe turkey has been a particularly ubiquitous part of American dinner tables on Thanksgiving. Why, though, is the bird called a turkey anyway?
Read MoreWhile not as public or obtuse as depicted in shows like "The Crown," Queen Elizabeth was likely not fond of some comments made by Jackie Kennedy.
Read MoreFormer President Gerald Ford was noteworthy in a number of ways, including the fact that he went by a different legal name for the first 22 years of his life.
Read MoreA green burial is an environmental-friendly way to be buried and go back naturally to the earth.
Read MoreStories often paint Esau as a cartoonishly evil villain. A modern perspective might say that tradition did Esau a disservice. Read on and decide for yourself.
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