The Truth About The Real Life Explorer Who Inspired Indiana Jones
The "Indiana Jones" movie franchise is as iconic as they come. Here is the truth about the real life explorer who inspired the films.
Read MoreThe "Indiana Jones" movie franchise is as iconic as they come. Here is the truth about the real life explorer who inspired the films.
Read MoreCreation myths are a fundamental part of a culture's identity and history, and that's true of the Aztecs as well. This is the Aztec creation myth, explained.
Read MoreEveryone has heard of the chastity belts of the Middle Ages, but were they actually used in everyday life? This is the truth behind chastity belts.
Read MoreThe Bible records a total of 37 miracles of Jesus. Here, then, is a complete list of the wondrous deeds of Jesus Christ, according to the canonical Gospels.
Read MoreThe 19th-century Lower Manhattan neighborhood known as Five Points was notorious. This is the history of NYC's infamous Five Points explained.
Read MoreWestern civilization is fortunate that so much of the ancient Greeks has survived, including a broad body of literature and myths that continues to entertain.
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Read MoreThe treasure of Thibaud de Castillon, a 14th-century bishop, has been lost for hundreds of years. This is the story of the treasure and its disappearance.
Read MoreHundreds were killed by a train that ran on the streets of New York during the Industrial Revolution. Here is the tragic history of NYC's "Death Avenue."
Read MoreNazi Germany was infamous for a wide range of crimes against humanity. One was widespread looting -- anything of value was commandeered and disappeared.
Read MoreThe locked room mystery has been a staple of crime fiction for decades. One true crime case in 1931 Liverpool mirrored fiction in a tragic fashion.
Read MoreThere are plenty of kings and empires in the Bible — especially the Old Testament — but the existence of these historical empires is often a source of debate.
Read MoreAztecs, like many early civilizations, used stories to understand the world around them. Here is what Aztec mythology really says about the agave plant.
Read MoreFor centuries, Egyptologists have sought out the artifacts within the Great Pyramids. One of these was the sarcophagus of the Pharaoh Menkaure.
Read MoreThe Royal Casket that contained valuable Polish relics was lost during World War II.
Read MoreHenry VIII may be infamous for his wives, but his relatives included other nobles with interesting stories and claims to the throne.
Read MoreThe Tehran Desert Vampire was hanged for the killings of at least 20 people. However, the unofficial count of his victims could be much higher.
Read MoreThe treasure of the Flor de la Mar, which was shipwrecked in the 16th century, has been lost for centuries. Here's the story behind the immense treasure.
Read MoreMaya Angelou broke through innumerable barriers with her art and her voice, illuminating the experience of Black women. She has made history again.
Read MoreFour out of every five movies from the first three decades of filmmaking are lost, with no complete copy surviving. These films will likely never be found.
Read MoreFor the road trippers of the 1920s, their journeys were not about convenience but untamed adventure. Here's what the American road trip was like 100 years ago.
Read MoreAccording to Incan legend, deep in the rainforest lays a great lost city known as Paititi. Like any good lost city, it's said to be home to untold riches.
Read MoreThe marriage of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz was historic for many reasons, including their age difference and the groundbreaking interracial TV relationship.
Read MoreFor the first time, in early 2022 a pig's heart was transplanted into a human. Here is how How pig to human heart transplants work.
Read MoreU.S. vaccine mandates have been fraught with controversies throughout history. Here is the complex and convoluted history of American vaccine mandates.
Read More"You've Got a Friend" was written by Carole King and James Taylor released a cover version in 1971.
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