Musicians Who Are Currently In Prison
A life of fame and wealth awaits those musicians who find success. But for some, their bad behavior landed them in prison, and are still there to this day.
Read MoreA life of fame and wealth awaits those musicians who find success. But for some, their bad behavior landed them in prison, and are still there to this day.
Read MoreIn 1995, football star O.J. Simpson was pronounced innocent of murder. Since then, and until his death in 2024, his life was never far from controversy.
Read MoreAfter World War II the U.S. had a surplus of parachutes. One Fish and Game employee realized they could be used to drop 76 beavers from planes. Here's why.
Read MoreIn 1942, a group of German saboteurs embarked on a bizarre plot to attack American manufacturing and transportation assets. It did not go as planned.
Read MoreIn the Christian Bible, Judas Iscariot betrays Jesus Christ and condemns him to execution, all for 30 pieces of silver. Yet his story is far more complex.
Read MoreIn 1995, millions of people across America and the globe were transfixed by the biggest court case of the decade: O.J. Simpson's murder trial, and it was wild.
Read MoreThough Mary Magdalene was arguably Jesus' most loyal disciple, the Bible isn't very specific about her background. Here's what everyone gets wrong about her.
Read MoreThe first fatal disaster of the space race was horrific as it was tragic, with three trapped astronauts burned alive. But even this might not be the worst part.
Read MoreJimmy Carter is the longest-lived president in U.S. history. From family deaths to a grueling national crisis, here are some of the tragedies he experienced.
Read MoreIn the early '70s, barely before the Cold War began to thaw, the U.S. launched an audacious, top-secret plan to recover a sunken Soviet submarine in deep water.
Read MoreAI revealed its interpretation of what hell might look like in a TikTok video, and it has something scary in common with lots of other depictions of hell.
Read MoreFrom his radio pulpit, Alex Jones has spouted and endorsed almost every conspiracy theory out there. But the man himself has plenty of deep, unsettling flaws.
Read MoreOsama bin Laden's role as the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks made him a marked man by the U.S. and he was eventually killed. Here are the details of his death.
Read MoreFrom the backwaters of Judea to, eventually, the entire globe, Jesus Christ certainly shook things up. But some odd details about him are often ignored.
Read MoreThere were plenty of ways to die on the Oregon Trail, and none of them were great. But some of them were perhaps a little worse than others.
Read MoreThe Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated on Saturday, February 1, 2003, when reentering the Earth's atmosphere. Here's what happened to the bodies of the crew.
Read MoreThe Apostles of Jesus Christ would have followed him to the ends of the earth. As it happens, after they also died, their remains were scattered far and wide.
Read MoreBouncers might seem like simple gatekeepers of fun. But some have amazing life stories, including a WWII vet who subbed for an absentee ... for over 20 years.
Read MoreEveryday, millions cross bridges in the U.S. and trust they hold up. But these sturdy looking structures sometimes fail, and with disastrous, tragic results.
Read MoreThe greatest U.S. presidents have remained universally respected, lauded for their leadership and achievements. But behind the portraits, not all was perfect.
Read MoreThe Apollo 1 exploded during a rehearsal test and killed Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Edward H. White, and Roger B. Chaffee. Here's what happened to their bodies.
Read MoreThe assassination of Abraham Lincoln left the people of the U.S. reeling. As respectively as he is remembered today, his funeral was an event like no other.
Read MoreThe Battle of Stalingrad was a major World War II conflict that took place August 23, 1942 to February 2, 1943. Here's what happened to the bodies afterward.
Read MoreKate Middleton revealed that she is being treated for cancer in a video statement released on March 22, 2024. Here's what we know about her tragic diagnosis.
Read MoreThe British royal family has long sought to project a fairy-tale image. But being mortals, they've had to sweep many of their health issues under the carpet.
Read MoreThe Challenger disaster happened on January 28, 1986, and changed the course of space exploration. Here's what happened to the bodies of the crew.
Read MoreMary's husband Joseph showed himself to be a class act when learning she was pregnant with the baby Jesus -- a child that wasn't his. This was his reaction.
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