Who Invented The Barbie Doll?
Barbie Dolls are among the most popular toys ever created, spanning several decades. This is the story of Ruth Handler, the inventor of Barbie Dolls.
Read MoreBarbie Dolls are among the most popular toys ever created, spanning several decades. This is the story of Ruth Handler, the inventor of Barbie Dolls.
Read MoreThe annual Easter egg roll at the White House has been an event for over 140 years. However, the Easter bunny didn't make its appearance until much later
Read MoreEastern isn't typically associated with witches, at least not in the U.S., but in Scandinavian tradition witches play a prominent role in the holiday.
Read MoreConstrux toys were popular in the late 1980s, but soon fell out of fashion, only to be revived again in 2017. Here's what happened to Construx toys.
Read MoreThe Easter sunrise service is a staple of the Easter holiday, but what is it and why is it observed? This is the Biblical origin of the Easter sunrise service.
Read MoreThe Easter Bunny has become the official symbol of Easter in the U.S. and around the world, but in Australia, another creature represents Easter.
Read MorePotholes are those annoying voids of asphalt in the road that force drivers to slow down or swerve. But, there is a natural process by which they are formed.
Read MoreWhile these dictators might not have had the infamy or death count of some of the most notorious rulers, they have certainly left their cruel mark on the world.
Read MoreNorth Korean leader Kim Jong Un's mother had a colorful past before marrying his father. Here is the dark history of the woman who raised Kim Jong Un.
Read MoreThe Lincoln Memorial is one of the the most famous monuments in the U.S., but what's the story behind it. This is the story of who carved the Lincoln Memorial.
Read MorePirates have been in the collective imagination for hundreds of years and many myths abound. But, some tales of the swashbucklers may be slightly dubious.
Read MoreBen-Hur is one of the most successful movies in Oscar history, winning 11 Academy Awards in 1960. But was the story of a vengeful charioteer based in truth?
Read MoreThe Supreme Court is rife with traditions, some that have been continued since the court's inception, but what is the judicial handshake of the Supreme Court?
Read MoreOne of Hippocrates' most famous medical theories, the four humors, inadvertently led to incalculable harm for centuries, leaving a blood bath in its wake.
Read MoreThe official Supreme Court seal features an American bald eagle, much like the seal of the United States. Here's the meaning behind the Supreme Court seal.
Read MoreThe Last Supper is one of Leonardo da Vinci's most famous paintings, depicting the final meal of Jesus Christ before his death. Here's what he may have eaten.
Read MoreThe Supreme Court Justices always sit in the same order behind the bench and in photographs. This is the tradition that explains the seating order.
Read MoreIn the Middle Ages, stories of the lives of saints could get downright bloodthirsty. Here are some examples of the most hideously violent saintly deaths.
Read MoreThey are not elected; they're appointed, then must be approved. They are the men and women who serve as Justices of the United States Supreme Court.
Read MoreThe Dark Ages: Everyone things they know what they were, when they were, what they were like. The truth, as with most history, is complicated.
Read MoreThe celebration of Christmas is full of symbols, both secular and religious. Two items frequently mentioned are gifts from the magi: frankincense and myrrh.
Read MoreHolidays bring their unique qualities to the pages of the calendar. Included on the list for Easter is the annual White House Easter Egg Roll.
Read MoreThe word "dude" is truly a ubiquitous word in the English-speaking world. Yet, the origin story of this malleable little gem has its roots in three languages.
Read MoreMany phrases abound when referring to the judicial system in general, including the long arm of the law. But the origins of this phrase have an unusual story.
Read MoreThings get stolen all the time. It's unfortunate but it's true. Packages are frequent targets for thieves, but typically they're not full of human heads.
Read MoreCapital punishment remains a hotly contested issue across the United States. Included in that discussion is methodology -- how best to execute the convicted.
Read MoreLots of human body parts have nicknames. Some make perfect sense -- "paw" for "hand," for instance. But what about "noggin" standing in for "head"?
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