The Untold Truth Of The NRA
That clear partisan connection, the rigid attitude toward gun control, and its money woes put the modern NRA well at odds with its beginnings.
Read MoreThat clear partisan connection, the rigid attitude toward gun control, and its money woes put the modern NRA well at odds with its beginnings.
Read MoreAh, love. Sweet love. Fall in love, and you probably have some biological manifestations along with the emotional. Is that why we call it lovesick?
Read MoreWe're probably past the days when a candidate talks about being born in a log cabin. That doesn't mean chief executives didn't have challenges growing up.
Read MoreGenocides, coordinated acts of violence to wipe out a group, have occurred across the world. Ordered by death toll, here are the worst genocides in history.
Read MoreThe Bible can sometimes appear entirely at odds with archeological records — or even itself. Here are some parts of the Bible that don't make sense.
Read MoreFormer President John F. Kennedy is one of the most known and beloved presidents in American history. Here's why he kept a coconut on his desk.
Read MoreOne of the biggest scandals of JFK's presidency, the Bay of Pigs invasion was a total disaster. These are the chilling details from the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Read MoreUnderwear styles have come and gone over time. One pervading style, the briefs, is here to stay, and here's how a French postcard led to their invention.
Read MoreA sundown town is defined as any community that was deliberately established to only allow white residents. Here is their disturbing history.
Read MoreThe Red Baron was the most feared pilot during World War I. But he was eventually shot down, and who should get the credit has remained up for debate.
Read MoreWith many teachers reluctant to teach LGBTQ+ topics, some remarkable people are being left out of school curriculums simply because they identified as LGBTQ+.
Read MoreThe long-forgotten Lincoln Memorial basement, known as the "Undercroft," is expected to reopen for tours after an extensive renovation.
Read MoreHalley's Comet has been an alleged herald of momentous events shaping humanity. Here are three times the celestial body was seen ahead of important events.
Read MoreScientology is highly secretive about what happens inside the organization, but whistleblowers and former Scientologists reveal more information every year.
Read MoreHistory has often overlooked a critical facet of Nostradamus' upbringing, both in a cultural and mystical sense. Nostradamus, it turns out, was Jewish.
Read MoreDespite every generation making its unique contributions to human culture, the fact is, there's rarely anything new under the sun. Including cannabis use.
Read MoreWe think of our distant, cave-dwelling ancestors as focused on basic survival: eat; don't get eaten. Caves around the world have preserved more: their art.
Read MoreParticularly in recent history, floral imagery has taken root in several parts of LGBTQ+ history. This is the symbolism behind flowers in LGBTQ+ history.
Read MoreThough many children learn about the Bible in Sunday school, those teachings aren't everything. These are some things only adults notice when reading the Bible.
Read MoreQueen Victoria once wrote that children often turn out to be a "bitter disappointment" to their parents. What did she really think about motherhood?
Read MoreAny time something is as old as Christianity, there are going to be some hidden secrets or common misconceptions. This is the untold truth of Christianity.
Read MoreBlackcurrants are a fruit common in European pastries and teas, but many people in the U.S. may have never tasted one if they haven't traveled abroad.
Read MoreUranus has a unique name in that it's the only planetary moniker with a toilet humor-based joke attached. Here's the history of how it came by its name.
Read MoreIn the United Kingdom, there is a nationwide party called a jubilee to mark the anniversary of a monarch's reign after 25, 50, and 60 years.
Read MoreStephen Hawking had one of the most agile scientific minds in history. He was also known for his humor which he put to good use in an episode of "Star Trek."
Read MoreMost people would probably prefer to think of their nation, with its customs, currencies, political structures, as fairly permanent. Sometimes fate intervenes.
Read MoreWith the conclusion of the war in Europe, the free world sought justice for those who had been victims of Nazi war crimes. Manhunts began for the accused.
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